Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, February 11, 2019
And who is watching THE WATCHERS ?
" One can only wonder how Martin Luther King Jr., whom the FBI sought to discredit through revelations regarding his private life, would have fared had he lived in the current #MeToo era. "
I have the exact quote somewhere but in a letter to his wife ( circa 1952 ) Dr. King said he was gradually arriving at an anti-capitalist, SOCIALIST point of view. Later on so was the fiery Black Muslim Malcolm X.
The SOCIALIST movement was way ahead of bourgeois liberalism in seeing the oppression of women as women , seeing the inhumanity of homophobia, and even exposing " Gentlemen's Agreement " forms of anti-Semitism in " OUR democracy ".
And, of course, I can only applaud the above article by Barry Grey. Too much of this appalling ruining of reputations by reckless and irresponsible allegations. I suspect that in this way the capitalist FAKE NEWS media wants to become the supreme MORAL AUTHORITY in the land . Worthy of a Franz Kafka nightmare.
ABC NEWS is watching you ! NPR is watching you ! NBC is watching you ! FOX News is watching you.
And who is watching THE WATCHERS ?
Franz Kafka — 'Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.'
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I have the exact quote somewhere but in a letter to his wife ( circa 1952 ) Dr. King said he was gradually arriving at an anti-capitalist, SOCIALIST point of view. Later on so was the fiery Black Muslim Malcolm X.
The SOCIALIST movement was way ahead of bourgeois liberalism in seeing the oppression of women as women , seeing the inhumanity of homophobia, and even exposing " Gentlemen's Agreement " forms of anti-Semitism in " OUR democracy ".
And, of course, I can only applaud the above article by Barry Grey. Too much of this appalling ruining of reputations by reckless and irresponsible allegations. I suspect that in this way the capitalist FAKE NEWS media wants to become the supreme MORAL AUTHORITY in the land . Worthy of a Franz Kafka nightmare.
ABC NEWS is watching you ! NPR is watching you ! NBC is watching you ! FOX News is watching you.
And who is watching THE WATCHERS ?