Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Not paranoia : belligerent Zionists are getting us into another Middle East war
Is TRUTH anti-Semitic ? A cabal of belligerent Zionists operating in both the Democratic and Republican parties is plotting to get this mostly Christian USA into another stupid and endless war in the Middle East -and daily fans the flames of hostility with nuclear powers Russia and China. The names and biographical notes of individuals involved in Mueller's Russia investigation are telling.
You could see it as a feud between pro-Hillary Zionists and pro-Trump Zionists .
Sorry, but working class Christian USA is not interested in a greater Holocaust. They don't control the mainstream news media but they do TALK among themselves, in their churches , bars, living rooms.
Naturally, only groveling apologies are demanded from new Democratic members of Congress who dare to agree with most of humanity -and the United Nations - that Zionism is a form of racism. And will the secular Zionist controlled mainstream new media ever let the oppressed Palestinians speak for themselves ?
The Zionist " friends of Israel " are the major influences in BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties. No surprise that President Trump is more popular in Apartheid Israel which like South Africa is indeed embracing " white supremacy " .
The worship of Israel is modern IDOLATRY ! Tell that to the arrogant Israel lobby .
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