Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, February 7, 2019
French writer Albert Camus had good advice for modern Israel
No less a humanitarian and socialist than Albert Einstein ( who wisely turned down the presidency of Israel ) could not resist - after the Holocaust - making a very damning collective judgment on the German people and Germany.
But precisely because " PEOPLE ARE ALIKE EVERYWHERE" ( Twilight Zone episode ) it is understandable the spread of crude anti-Semitism in Palestine. And the most powerful country in the world sides with the oppressor Zionist state. Here in Rhode Island our own neo-con Democrat David Cicilline babbles about " OUR special relationship with Israel ". As if WE voted on it !
Also ironic , the rise of " white supremacy " IDENTITY in Apartheid Israel. The same as in the old South Africa.
Any powerful nation-state can corrupt its " chosen people " with toxic nationalism. The French writer Albert Camus had good advice for modern Israel : in fighting your enemy you should not come to resemble them.
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