Saturday, February 23, 2019

Are crypto-Zionists ruining the Socialist Left ?

Perhaps NOBODY here is as sharp as you two in unmasking fascists, racists, and anti-Semites. But is this defamation coming from crypto-Zionists fearing that the generic LEFT is becoming too hard on Apartheid Israel ? What did I ever say here or anywhere else that indicated Nazi sympathies or a perverse desire to harm Jews ?

            I VOTE for socialists. I VOTED for SEP presidential candidates in 2016. But I remain an INDEPENDENT socialist not at all like a " CLEAR " in the Church of Scientology.

            I suspect that crypto-Zionists are now corrupting the socialist movement -with the blessing of Greater Israel and the Democratic Party.

           And how can the obnoxious tone of New Atheism ever evolve into a mass movement ? Fanatical sectarian " socialists " - out of touch with feelings of the masses- pronouncing anathema on all other socialist parties and organizations- could not attract a flock of pigeons in Kennedy Plaza, Providence.

                 Observing that secular Zionist Jews control the mainstream news media in the United States, control the Democratic Party, the odious FBI, CIA , the shadowy " Deep State " is just a scientific appreciation of objective TRUTH .

          Jewish intellectuals - uncorrupted by money, class privilege and Zionism - are free to denounce Zionism as did the famous scientist Oliver Sacks . He described the Zionist fund raisers of his youth in England as BULLIES. And so they are.

                  Recall that the socialist humanist Albert Einstein finally collectively condemned Germans and Germany as hopelessly EVIL .

                  Can the same be said about Zionists and Israel today ?

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