Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, February 9, 2019
The Jews as a people will benefit from more Jewish socialists and fewer Jewish Zionists
[ “I am sick of being tainted by the stain of Labour anti-Semitism. I am increasingly concerned that Labour’s disciplinary committees are turning a blind eye to hatred towards Jews.” ]
A well known actor is on the brink of ruin for publicly confessing having hateful feelings toward ALL black people upon learning of some woman friend's rape. He is a fine an actor and I wonder why any HUMAN BEING should be punished for fleeting FEELINGS ? FEELINGS are better expressed than suppressed -whatever " de-construction " psychology think. [
PREJUDICE is nothing more than a generalization from one's personal experience. The GENERALIZED experience of the human race as embodied in science, history, art, literature, culture might not validate it.
If a person is perceived to be anti- Semitic ( a particular Palestinian whose mother was killed by Israeli bombs or a black resident of Harlem with a Jewish slum landlord ) he or she needs compassionate and empathetic help and understanding, evaluating the experience of a lifetime.
Can you expect victims of the Mafia to just LOVE Italian-Americans ?
How much racism against blacks is fed by news media images ( NOT fake ) of violent crimes involving black persons ? How much anti-Semitism is fed by less than charming -usually rich- "Jews in the news " ( like Harvey Weinstein and Henry Kissinger ) and by the real crimes against humanity of Zionist Israel ? For God's sake , the United Nation's declared Zionism to be a form of racism years ago.
Most working class people have nothing to gain by HATE THOUGHT. But the capitalist system thrives on it.
The American Black Muslim Malcolm X said : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " . That is not HATE . That is just the common sense and collective experience of the CLASS STRUGGLE.
The Jews as a people will benefit from more Jewish socialists and fewer Jewish Zionists.
The last time I checked none of the great religions of the world worshipped Ayn Rand's Money God. Or taught " The Virtue of Selfishness " . Read Amos of the Old Testament.
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