Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, February 1, 2019
Phony " socialists " will not rescue the working class or the middle class
" There are two factors behind Ocasio-Cortez’s sudden rise to political prominence. Among broader sections of the population, she has attracted support as a result of her association with socialism " .
More than " progressive " Democrats this attractive, interesting woman is branded THE SOCIALIST future of the Democratic Party by right wing talk radio.
But Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders offer only snake oil " socialism " to American voters. It is just a shameless hustle to lure desperate working class people under the big umbrella of the Democratic Party. Later they will blame betrayal on right wing Republicans.
Anybody who knows anything about the real history of socialism will see through these phonies in a minute.
More modest is " progressive " Senator Elizabeth Warren . She did have some appeal a few years ago sounding the alarm about a free falling American middle class.
Now Warren vacuously proposes RULES ( ! ) for capitalism without which it's thievery . There is nothing " lawless " about capitalism from the point of view of bourgeois legalism . Even Ralph Nader -a lawyer- understood that. But what bourgeois LAW will succeed in taking the exploitation and oppression out of the capitalist economic system ?
CHARMING individuals should not make you stupid ! I found " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders quite charming listening to him in a crowd of 7000 out at Roger Williams Park in Providence . But I still knew that his Democratic Party would frustrate or intimidate what honesty was left in his already very compromised " socialism ".
It is just axiomatic on the honest Left that the Democratic Party is a deadly trap for " progressive " idealists.
Let us hear the voice of uncramped socialists - like that of Eugene V. Debs more than a century ago . Re-read his famous Canton Speech where he denounced both the imperialist Great War to make the world safe for democracy - and the American two party system. He knew that " liberals" were no " friends of labor " or agents of PEACE among nations. And Debs was familiar with numerous phony " socialists ".
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