Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, December 29, 2017
Does the World Socialist Web Site have a MAKE A BUCK purpose for leader David North ?
" [ For your information: There is a political organization that calls itself the 'World Socialist Web Site,'and it is headed up by a guy named David North.
It has affiliates in a number of countries. In the USA its affiliate calls itself the 'Socialist Equality Party.' There are a lot of people who have been conned, defrauded, flim-flammed, scammed into thinking this group is "Trotskyist."
It is not. It is a bunch of anti-Trotskyist, anti-Marxist, anti-Leninist, anti-communist frauds. It is anti-labor. It is a gang of political bandits who will say literally anything in order to cultivate favor with whomever this gang talks to.
. It has historically threatened and used thug tactics against leftists, rather than abiding by the principle of "no violence within the left," while it cynically and corruptly screeches against Stalinist thuggery and violence. It is not a Trotskyist group. It is a gang of frauds.] "
It has affiliates in a number of countries. In the USA its affiliate calls itself the 'Socialist Equality Party.' There are a lot of people who have been conned, defrauded, flim-flammed, scammed into thinking this group is "Trotskyist."
It is not. It is a bunch of anti-Trotskyist, anti-Marxist, anti-Leninist, anti-communist frauds. It is anti-labor. It is a gang of political bandits who will say literally anything in order to cultivate favor with whomever this gang talks to.
" [I can’t offer any redemption to Sheppard because that is a religious concept alien to Marxism but I can offer advice and that is to face up to the poisonous atmosphere in the party during all of the 1970s, to examine it, to identify its sources, and educate about its anti-proletarian methods. I also have argued to deaf ears for nearly 25 years now that this degeneration of the SWP has analogs in socialist groups in every country and in every political current. The problem is considerably more significant in scope than the paltry narcissism of Barnes or the failings of Sheppard. These political processes need to be examined as the early Communist International did concerning its predecessor, the Second International, to come to grips with the politics of this epoch and to find a way out of the malaise of the revolutionary movement... ex SWP party member ] "
. It has historically threatened and used thug tactics against leftists, rather than abiding by the principle of "no violence within the left," while it cynically and corruptly screeches against Stalinist thuggery and violence. It is not a Trotskyist group. It is a gang of frauds.] "
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A mystery ? True or false ? |
SOCIALISM is clearly divided into squabbling sects .. a real freak show !
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Socialism and the problem of the super-rich
SOCIALISM is clearly divided into squabbling sects. Each pronouncing anathema on the others. But not one in a million working class individuals is paying much attention.
At least a half a dozen of these self-absorbed, deluded sects claim to have a patent even on " Trotskyism ". George Orwell had their number - sad this " socialism " as a freak show.
At least a half a dozen of these self-absorbed, deluded sects claim to have a patent even on " Trotskyism ". George Orwell had their number - sad this " socialism " as a freak show.
Some sects -like the once great Socialist Workers Party in the USA - have degenerated into bizarre personality cults.
Even If The President Does It, It's Illegal: How Trump May Have Obstructed Justice
In the not too distant past Providence City Hall was considered Raymond Patriarca territory. My grandparents lived on Federal Hill for 50 years. The Providence Journal in reporting Mafia crime activities often had a clear anti-Italian bias . To be sure, they were not very fair to the late Mayor Vincent " Buddy " Cianci .
" Uncle Raymond " kept the peace on Federal Hill |
Calling All Philanthropists : We need dental clinics in Rhode Island !
or RI's Champlin Foundation, charity springs from runaway's tale
Perhaps some not too oblivious local philanthropist can donate money for dental clinics in local hospitals. Imagine a health care system - like Medicare - that ignores dental disease ? There will be thousands of poor and elderly people waiting for it in Gina Raimondo's " progressive " Rhode Island.
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CCRI dental clinic |
Holiday radio Christmas music purged of spiritual themes
Trump Scorns Mainstream News, But Not The Christian Broadcasting Network
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Dying words of the wicked witch |
Can you blame good Christians for their estrangement from the Democratic Party establishment ? FAITH MATTERS !
Internet SPAM defined as " anti-Semitic " code words ( by pro-Zionist monitors ? )
he US government and the Russian election
[It is dishonest to REMOVE a comment falsely as SPAM. If the monitor is a self-proclaimed expert on subtle stages of anti-Semitism, .....
It is dishonest to REMOVE a comment falsely as SPAM. If the monitor is a self-proclaimed expert on subtle stages of anti-Semitism, he or she should be recommended for employment at the New York Times- so innocent of support for Zionist Israel -and now the VOICE in smearing people with the New McCarthyism.
Again no respect for internal political debate ? The pompous sectarians have a patent on the SOCIALIST idea ? How was that SPAM monitor programmed ? With " anti-Semitic " code words familiar to guys like Harvey Weinstein - the foe of anti-Semites everywhere ?

Again no respect for internal political debate ? The pompous sectarians have a patent on the SOCIALIST idea ? How was that SPAM monitor programmed ? With " anti-Semitic " code words familiar to guys like Harvey Weinstein - the foe of anti-Semites everywhere ?

Philanthropy - a ballyhooed giving back - on the cheap
For RI's Champlin Foundation, charity springs from runaway's tale
Never underestimate the emotion of GRATITUDE. Nevertheless , you must be a CAPITALIST first before fame and fortune flatters you as a PHILANTHROPIST. If you left a bar of gold untouched in a bank vault , it will still be a bar of gold a century later. But as invested Capital it can command the living labor and the brain power of hundreds of EXPLOITED workers. So the philanthropy of the rich is a sort of ballyhooed giving back - on the cheap. Even that curmudgeon H. L. Mencken would agree with me.

Thursday, December 28, 2017
Religion bashing only turns off most working class people
iscussion on World Socialist Web Site
Socialism and the problem of the super-rich
[When social reform is impossible, social revolution becomes inevitable. There is no way to avoid the conclusion that it is necessary to expropriate the wealth of the financial oligarchy.]
I agree. But why do so called " socialist vanguard parties " stagnate ? A hundred years ago -with no Internet - there were vigorous, self-confident socialist parties, especially in Germany ( with a highly skilled, politically educated working class ).
Even the better socialist parties - whatever their convoluted sectarian squabbles- lack propaganda skills. Very few even TALK to the real working class.
Many flaws . Just one : what appeal does endless, nearly neurotic religion bashing have for the majority of working class who find their faith more compelling than " what hydrogen atoms can do given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution " ? ( Carl Sagan, " Cosmos " TV series ).
One suspects that it is a nearly traumatic experience for some " socialists " to bump into blue collar factory workers .
A hundred years of failure needs an UNORTHODOX explanation.

I agree. But why do so called " socialist vanguard parties " stagnate ? A hundred years ago -with no Internet - there were vigorous, self-confident socialist parties, especially in Germany ( with a highly skilled, politically educated working class ).
Even the better socialist parties - whatever their convoluted sectarian squabbles- lack propaganda skills. Very few even TALK to the real working class.
Many flaws . Just one : what appeal does endless, nearly neurotic religion bashing have for the majority of working class who find their faith more compelling than " what hydrogen atoms can do given 15 billion years of cosmic evolution " ? ( Carl Sagan, " Cosmos " TV series ).
One suspects that it is a nearly traumatic experience for some " socialists " to bump into blue collar factory workers .
A hundred years of failure needs an UNORTHODOX explanation.
Letter: Ron Turcotte: Time for military to review training with live ammunition
More generally, it is time to " deconstruct " the US military war machine - now a Moloch Colossus . There is way too much glorification of this dumb and dangerous but sacrosanct institution which continues to defend greedy capitalism and imperialist American hegemony around the world. The generals in the news predicting ( longing ? ) for World War III even LOOK mad ! They are not less stupid than the French and German generals who presided over " The Horror of Verdun " in that war to make the world safe for democracy more than a
hundred years ago.
hundred years ago.
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They even LOOK mad - these American generals |
Even If The President Does It, It's Illegal: How Trump May Have Obstructed Justice
What CRIME is the " Russian Investigation " investigating ? It does seem like a cabal of Zionist Jews in BOTH parties are determined to start a World War III holocaust. You can name names.
[ "We're gonna have to get as organized as the mafia," the mogul told the audience at the Simon Wiesenthal Center's national tribute dinner, where he was introduced by friend and competitor Jeffrey Katzenberg as "a really nice Jewish boy."]
Harvey Weinstein speech
Harvey Weinstein speech
The US government and the Russian election
Actually I have more in common with " leftist " Gore Vidal who says the same thing in many published essays. When was the last time this web site mentioned Israel's nuclear arsenal ? There is no significant Zionist influence in the Democratic or Republican parties ? Any political party is capable of perceiving FACTS . In general prejudice is just a false generalization. Nobody here cares to " correct " me on Zionism USA ?
Why do you use a machine to screen out " spam " ? Do you fear independent human judgment ?
Like the SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY -now a bizarre cult- are you going " soft on Zionism " ?
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
There is a difference between REVOLUTION and arid Trotskyism 101
How on earth was my last full post " detected as spam " ? Are GOOGLE agents infiltrating the World Socialist Web Site ?
If a comment is " off the wall " , let readers judge first , then remove it in good conscience. George Orwell was right about the ossified " Left " not caring much about free speech and free thought. They will never win over the hearts and minds of the working class by playing elitist shams on readers. There is a difference between REVOLUTION and Trotskyism 101. James P. Cannon was aware of this.
We can't leave it to neo-Nazis to tell the truth about Zionist Israel and Israel Lobby control of the news media. This is common knowledge among working class radicals.
If a comment is " off the wall " , let readers judge first , then remove it in good conscience. George Orwell was right about the ossified " Left " not caring much about free speech and free thought. They will never win over the hearts and minds of the working class by playing elitist shams on readers. There is a difference between REVOLUTION and Trotskyism 101. James P. Cannon was aware of this.
We can't leave it to neo-Nazis to tell the truth about Zionist Israel and Israel Lobby control of the news media. This is common knowledge among working class radicals.
All these helpless female victims now approved for FRONT LINE combat in the military ?
All these helpless women are now approved for FRONT LINE COMBAT in the military ? Teach them the traditional SLAP IN FACE for crude male behavior.
Even If The President Does It, It's Illegal: How Trump May Have Obstructed Justice
Does the pro-Hillary Zionist controlled mainstream news media want to begin the new year with this exhausted story of sinister " collusion with Russia " ? How Putin tampered with our wonderful " democracy " where ONE PERCENT of the population controls everything ?
Have you no shame, masters of the mass media ? Or have you no sense of BOREDOM ? Will " collusion with Russia " still ring Pavlovian bells on election day in November ?
Have you no shame, masters of the mass media ? Or have you no sense of BOREDOM ? Will " collusion with Russia " still ring Pavlovian bells on election day in November ?
Even If The President Does It, It's Illegal: How Trump May Have Obstructed Justice
Speaking on the Left , President Trump did not OBSTRUCT Justice . The CRIME vaguely described as " collusion with Russia " was never named. How is " collusion with Russia " any more sinister than " collusion with Israel " ? No Israel lobby tries to influence American elections with money and propaganda ?
Zionist American Jews planning nuclear World War III ?
The US government and the Russian election
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Mind boggling hypocrisy : American " democracy " vs. Putin's Russian tyranny. Amazing how the " liberal " news media continues to image Trump as " Hitler " and yet has no quarrel with this Hitler's belligerent foreign policy. Also noted : Fascist Trump's popularity in Zionist Apartheid Israel.
Does white supremacy now recommend itself to the inner circles of the Republican Party ? They follow their real idol Ayn Rand in " A Life of Contempt ".
The Republicans subscribe to her economic message- " Virtue of Selfishness ". The " liberal " Democrats fear and tremble before that pernicious Ten Commandments monument in a public park. And the innocuous " Prayer on the Wall " in a public high school. Since when does separation of church and state demand hostility to Christianity? ( Ayn Rand was a militant atheist ") .
I am not exaggerating this woman's influence on the conservative trend in American politics. Just a few years ago ALL the Republican candidates - all war hawks and pillars of Israel- pledged their eternal devotion to" The Virtue of Selfishness " personified.
Just which little ruling class circle is planning nuclear World War III with Russia, China, North Korea , Iran ? They must all be taught a lesson in " democracy " the American Way. WE must export our wonderful " democracy ".
The TRUTH stings !
From a Jewish web site
[ Additionally, 69 percent of Israelis consider Trump a "strong leader" according to the poll, while 71 percent consider him charismatic and 54 percent say he is well-qualified to be president. The global median on these questions is 55 percent, 39 percent and 26 percent, respectively. ]
Zionist control of the news media
Does white supremacy now recommend itself to the inner circles of the Republican Party ? They follow their real idol Ayn Rand in " A Life of Contempt ".
The Republicans subscribe to her economic message- " Virtue of Selfishness ". The " liberal " Democrats fear and tremble before that pernicious Ten Commandments monument in a public park. And the innocuous " Prayer on the Wall " in a public high school. Since when does separation of church and state demand hostility to Christianity? ( Ayn Rand was a militant atheist ") .
I am not exaggerating this woman's influence on the conservative trend in American politics. Just a few years ago ALL the Republican candidates - all war hawks and pillars of Israel- pledged their eternal devotion to" The Virtue of Selfishness " personified.
Just which little ruling class circle is planning nuclear World War III with Russia, China, North Korea , Iran ? They must all be taught a lesson in " democracy " the American Way. WE must export our wonderful " democracy ".
The TRUTH stings !
From a Jewish web site
[ Additionally, 69 percent of Israelis consider Trump a "strong leader" according to the poll, while 71 percent consider him charismatic and 54 percent say he is well-qualified to be president. The global median on these questions is 55 percent, 39 percent and 26 percent, respectively. ]
Zionist control of the news media
Elizabeth Vargas On Fighting Through Alcoholism
[Christopher Kennedy Lawford wrote "Moments of Clarity: Voices From the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery" ...] This is one of the best books on the experience of alcoholism that I have read. There is a forward by Patrick Kennedy .The book does toe the AA party line : the alcoholic desperately needs the " Higher Power " better known as God. I find it impossible to ridicule. Tolstoy said the same thing. Tolstoy said that alcohol helps you to live with a guilty conscience from a life of sin. And the Russian Dostoevsky : " if God did not exist , then everything is permitted " .
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Ford assembly line working class male " deplorables " raping women every day in the factory ?
With Women's Rights As A Focus, Attention Turns To Gillibrand
What do their rescuers have to say about capitalist economic abuse and exploitation ? HAPPY DAYS on the assembly line at Ford ? You would think that there was an epidemic of sexual assault and harassment on ALL women since REALITY TV star Donald Trump was elected president - without the help of Vladimir Putin.
Working class Left calls this hysteria " sexual McCarthyism " .
Exploited by the minute on the assembly line, when do all these depraved male workers- no doubt Trump voting , Hillary hating " deplorables " - have the time for daily sexual assaults on helpless females ?
Working class Left calls this hysteria " sexual McCarthyism " .
Exploited by the minute on the assembly line, when do all these depraved male workers- no doubt Trump voting , Hillary hating " deplorables " - have the time for daily sexual assaults on helpless females ?
Most of us benefit from loving, LEGALLY MARRIED parents . But ?
Another Providence Mayor Declines to Be a Good Role Model
Most people in America benefit from a loving -legally married- mother AND father. But it is not fair that millions of poor kids are dependent on not one but TWO dysfunctional parents . Capitalism encourages the perverse notion of children as private property and therefore private responsibility. Nuclear families live in isolated, self-centered social " bubbles " preoccupied with vapid consumerism- a breeding ground for a nation of neurotics.
Asking a poor kid with dysfunctional parents " what do you want to be when you grow up ? " is a mean spirited joke.
Idealizing the present day nuclear family is as fatuous as idealizing the FREE MARKET - which is often clueless about social justice or even social sanity.
The blind acceptance of the capitalist way of life is just not very intelligent and not very ethical. And yet the public schools and " higher education " colleges and universities graduate thousands of students every year who cannot even imagine a social system or a " way of life " much different from that of capitalist America. And in a UNIVERSE in which CHANGE is the great law.
Asking a poor kid with dysfunctional parents " what do you want to be when you grow up ? " is a mean spirited joke.
Idealizing the present day nuclear family is as fatuous as idealizing the FREE MARKET - which is often clueless about social justice or even social sanity.
The blind acceptance of the capitalist way of life is just not very intelligent and not very ethical. And yet the public schools and " higher education " colleges and universities graduate thousands of students every year who cannot even imagine a social system or a " way of life " much different from that of capitalist America. And in a UNIVERSE in which CHANGE is the great law.
" Identity politics " is sick with capitalist ideals
Discussion on WBUR
With Women's Rights As A Focus, Attention Turns To Gillibrand
What do these phony liberal Democratic Party women have to offer WORKING CLASS women ? How is a bottom line female CEO or Corporate Democrat any better for working class women than the likes of Reality TV executive performer Donald Trump ?
Female ambition for social climbing " success " in the USA is not less ugly than macho male egomaniac ambition.
Bourgeois feminism has nothing to offer the American working class. " Identity politics " is sick with capitalist ideals.
What happened to the SWP ?
Female ambition for social climbing " success " in the USA is not less ugly than macho male egomaniac ambition.
Bourgeois feminism has nothing to offer the American working class. " Identity politics " is sick with capitalist ideals.
What happened to the SWP ?
Trump Junta sets a great example for " Democracy in America " ?
Russian Opposition Leader Barred From Running Against Putin In 2018
Our ruling class wants to start a war with Russia. But working class Americans are not interested.
" Democracy in America " hardly puts to shame " Democracy in Russia ". In what way is the Trump Junta or Hillary Clinton's DNC -now promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism - on a higher moral level than Putin's oligarchy ?
Ask Green Party candidate Jill Stein about the " American Way " two party system gift to working class and middle class Americans.
Jill is also a victim of the vicious New McCarthyism.
No working class support in the USA for nuclear World War III or the foolish New Colonialism in the Middle East.
Worthy of the next Nobel Peace Prize - Vladimir Putin and Edward Snowden ?
Ask Green Party candidate Jill Stein about the " American Way " two party system gift to working class and middle class Americans.
Jill is also a victim of the vicious New McCarthyism.
No working class support in the USA for nuclear World War III or the foolish New Colonialism in the Middle East.
Worthy of the next Nobel Peace Prize - Vladimir Putin and Edward Snowden ?
Saturday, December 23, 2017
Democratic Party witch hunters target Green Party candidate Jill Stein
The mainstream news media supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. But Jill Stein and Vladimir Putin had more sinister influence on working class " deplorables " in the Rust Belt States ?
But were any working class American voters besotted with devotion to " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary", " Wall Street Hillary " ?
I did not need Vladimir Putin to tell me that Hillary Clinton was the face of World War III ( not that fascist Trump was the peace candidate ) .
But were any working class American voters besotted with devotion to " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary", " Wall Street Hillary " ?
I did not need Vladimir Putin to tell me that Hillary Clinton was the face of World War III ( not that fascist Trump was the peace candidate ) .
Friday, December 22, 2017
The Obituary Bernard Law Deserves
Petty bourgeois moralism is highly selective . They fail to SEE the everyday evils of capitalism - which has their devoted loyalty. No SOCIALIST survives in the capitalist mainstream news media. And no Catholic who takes his religion seriously. People very sanctimonious about other people's SINS are hardly above suspicion themselves. Will sexual McCarthyism end in the Reign of Virtue ?
It is HOPE that gives working people the energy to rebel
Drug deaths drive down US life expectancy for second year
Yesterday I observed two " old " middle aged men , " lost souls " in our notorious Kennedy Plaza in Providence -a spot for years now worthy of any H.P. Lovecraft horror story with hopeless decay and decadence as an inexhaustible theme.
They both looked like late stage alcoholics well beyond " The Lost Weekend " condition. One as if sleep walking toward the bus shelter. The RIPTA 21 bus takes people to the Harrington Hall homeless shelter( also a nightmare ) in Cranston. His shabby clothes no protection from the bitter cold. A younger ( " homeless " ? ) man helped him board the RIPTA bus. The other emaciated, middle aged wretch could not find his bus pass and kept picking up loose one dollar bills from the floor of the bus. His brain now utterly stupefied by the life style of the down and out. ( Not as resourceful as George Orwell slumming it in Paris ).
And yet you can see these people years later in the same state - in the same place ( even if they don't live much past 60 ) .Capitalism also exploits our enormous capacity for misery and suffering . That was the dirty " secret " of ancient slavery. Better 20 years in the horrid silver and gold mines of ancient Greece and Rome than the ENDLESS NIGHT of the dead.
It is HOPE that gives working class people energy to rebel - not wretchedness.
They both looked like late stage alcoholics well beyond " The Lost Weekend " condition. One as if sleep walking toward the bus shelter. The RIPTA 21 bus takes people to the Harrington Hall homeless shelter( also a nightmare ) in Cranston. His shabby clothes no protection from the bitter cold. A younger ( " homeless " ? ) man helped him board the RIPTA bus. The other emaciated, middle aged wretch could not find his bus pass and kept picking up loose one dollar bills from the floor of the bus. His brain now utterly stupefied by the life style of the down and out. ( Not as resourceful as George Orwell slumming it in Paris ).
And yet you can see these people years later in the same state - in the same place ( even if they don't live much past 60 ) .Capitalism also exploits our enormous capacity for misery and suffering . That was the dirty " secret " of ancient slavery. Better 20 years in the horrid silver and gold mines of ancient Greece and Rome than the ENDLESS NIGHT of the dead.
It is HOPE that gives working class people energy to rebel - not wretchedness.
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" The Cop and the Anthem " by O'Henry |
Can Jews in Israel possibly identify with white supremacy ?
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
UN General Assembly repudiates Trump over Jerusalem announcement
Nationalism corrupts the human soul. And the USA and Israel are no exceptions. So many " little people " all puffed up by idolatrous state worship. All that's missing is a fantasy of yet another " master race ". But how in the so diversified USA ? How in Israel which is now comparable to Apartheid South Africa ? Can European Jews possibly identify with white supremacists ? Why is President Trump so ominously popular in Israel ?
Thinking can be so embarrassing . There is no hope for any racial or ethnic group outside of international socialism. The next Holocaust will be final and universal. No Holy City will be spared.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
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