Thursday, November 30, 2017

Yes, Harvey Weinstein the Israel Lobby is already as well organized as the Mafia

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There is a distinction between the Mafia and Italians. Sex predator Harvey Weinstein advised a pro-Israel audience that WE must imitate the Mafia, be as well organized as the Mafia ( Applause ) .
But , of course, the Israel Lobby is already as well organized as the Mafia , as bullying as the Mafia. Fearing Christian values as a threat to THEIR " way of life " , they have been attacking religious freedom in this country for decades now.
Working class Americans don't need crazed neo-Nazi groups to point out to them ZIONIST Jew command of the news media.
How long can this arrogant minority within a minority over-rule a culturally Christian nation ? And their hatred for Catholicism is well documented. Not for nothing Hillary Clinton and her Zionist cohorts were determined to sabotage the Catholic Church from within ( Wiki Leaks ). These neo-con war mongers wanted to " rescue " the Church from the Dark Ages. And they are promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Needless to say the ZIONIST Jews are implacably hostile even to Bernie Sanders' modest " political revolution " and milk toast " socialism ". And Sanders is a pro-Israel Jew in the New York Intellectual tradition. He was sabotaged by the Hillary Clinton partisans.
The Israel Lobby supports " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", Wall Street Hillary " .

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