Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, November 13, 2017
" Relevant " Catholic Radio in tune with the plutocracy on " socialism "
A so called " Catholic " radio program " Relevant Radio " introduced listeners -the faithful and not-so faithful -to man who lectures naive ( ? ) college students on this scholarly theme : " Socialism makes people selfish " . Indeed creeping socialism in the USA has our much maligned ONE PERCENT doing most of the hard work . And THEY don't deserve a tax break ?
I can hardly believe that " Relevant Radio " USA has the imprimatur of Pope Francis who has all but condemned the values of global capitalism. Perhaps a modern Cardinal Spellman - the very soul of anti-communism in the McCarthy era-will be the next choice for Pope of the American plutocracy.
[In December 1966, Cardinal Spellman, the powerful archbishop of New York and an ardent anti-Communist, visited American troops in Vietnam and urged them to fight for total victory. A few days later, the Vatican announced that Pope Paul VI did not share his view.]
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