Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Militant Zionist Jews are setting the criteria for extremist views in the social media ? Ron Ruggieri 4 hours ago Removed
" Google’s YouTube, meanwhile, has gone on a censorship spree, taking down videos and banning and demonetizing channels it claims are spreading “extremist” views."
Would it be a false generalization to say that militant Zionist Jews are setting the criteria for " extremist " views in the social media ? Just making this observation is considered impertinent on the " sensitive " ( or pseudo ? ) Left.
I do miss the one time LIBERAL passion for free speech . It seems that even on the non-Marxist " left " both the principle of free speech and the democratic principle of MAJORITY RULE have been discredited.
What would Lenin think ? My brother -a graphic artist - was very alarmed by threats to " net neutrality " at the Thanksgiving dinner table. He laughed at my paying $5:00 for the pile of junk advertising FAKE NEWS Providence Journal . What a mixture of sappy patriotism and vicious militarism and uncritical support for Israel - and the BIG LIE - in ALL the mainstream news media.
Some LEFT sectarian censorship here ? Not for nothing Radical Ron is an INDEPENDENT socialist .
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