Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Do the New Atheists make better combat soldiers ?

Letter: Amanda Santos: Transgender people should be allowed into military

     If being FEMALE makes you more tender toward LIFE , why destroy that virtue in the service of US imperialism ?

     If being GAY makes you fall in love with beautiful young male bodies, why would you want to turn them into hamburger in the service of US imperialism ?

        Can medical science transform a MALE into a reproductive FEMALE or a FEMALE into a reproductive MALE ? Unlike RACE and ethnic identity , sex is not quite a " social construct " ?

            In general, why should DNC based " identity politics " serve the military industrial complex ?
For centuries the New Testament Gospel has preached love for the " stranger " , for the outcast, for the different. For some reason " identity politics " hates Christianity. Do the New Atheists make better combat soldiers ?

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