Shame on you, haven't you learned that attacking Zionism is verboten even in this pages?
I had a whole commentary exposing these mothers, excised from WSWS. However be patient, one day the whole world will turn against these bastards. In fact without realizing it, they are digging their own grave.
The greatest lie and fallacy, is equating Jewish to Zionist. Great Jewish people in the past and present, have rejected the Israeli entity. Einstein was offered the presidency in 1948, and rejected the offer on the grounds that the whole lot of them, were a bunch of
Fascists (his words, not mine). The same goes for Hannah Arendt and many, many others. Some Orthodox Jewish sects (mainly in England), reject the founding of Israel as being blasphemous and illegal, and support the Palestinians.
You're guilty as charged, sorry.]
OLIVER SACKS on his personal experience with Zionists
[ I never heard [my parents] talk between themselves about Palestine or Zionism, and I suspected they had no strong convictions on the subject, at least until after the war, when the horror of the Holocaust made them feel there should be a “National Home.” I felt they were bullied by the organizers of these meetings, and by the gangsterlike evangelists who would pound at the front door and demand large sums for yeshivas or “schools in Israel.” My parents, clearheaded and independent in most other ways, seemed to become soft and helpless in the face of these demands, perhaps driven by a sense of obligation or anxiety. My own feelings […] were passionately negative: I came to hate Zionism and evangelism and politicking of every sort, which I regarded as noisy and intrusive and bullying.]
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