This " sexual McCarthyism " terrorism lacks a little thing called " due process ". Any gang of ACCUSERS can end any person's career ? We have seen how this witch hunting works with RACISM and even ANTI-SEMITISM ( equated with anti-Zionism in the news media ) .
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, November 30, 2017
In a universe where everything changes only " God's Country " USA and Mighty Israel are forever ?
New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds
Yes, the survival with dignity problems of the American working class are MY problems. Since many educated Jews today are Ayn Rand atheists, how do they rationalize the CHOSEN PEOPLE , divine claim on old real estate in the Middle East ? A scientific study of history does bestow EXCEPTIONALISM on the Jews or on " God's Country " USA .
In a universe where everything changes only MONEY & CAPITALISM and the American Century and Mighty Israel are forever ?
In a universe where everything changes only MONEY & CAPITALISM and the American Century and Mighty Israel are forever ?
I will work with any Zionist who wants to establish democratic socialism in the USA , who will work for a secular, democratic Israel. Let us hear from anti-Zionist Jews : like Professor Howard Zinn and the famous neurologist Oliver Sacks . Sacks described Zionists as " bullies : in his biography " Uncle Tungsten ".
New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds
Presently a handful of ZIONIST Jews want to set the criteria for HATE propaganda on the Internet . Should I name them ? You can read all about it on the World Socialist Web Site. They are prime victims of this anti-democratic censorship .
FACT : many formerly leftist Jews have abandoned socialist internationalism for the state idolatry worship of Zionist Apartheid Israel . Millions of working class Christians in the USA are not fooled by Zionist plots to get us into nuclear World War III or into another major war in the Middle East. WE never decided that WE have some sentimental " special relationship " with Israel.
WE will be heard from -despite Zionist control of the mainstream news media.
FACT : many formerly leftist Jews have abandoned socialist internationalism for the state idolatry worship of Zionist Apartheid Israel . Millions of working class Christians in the USA are not fooled by Zionist plots to get us into nuclear World War III or into another major war in the Middle East. WE never decided that WE have some sentimental " special relationship " with Israel.
WE will be heard from -despite Zionist control of the mainstream news media.
NBC’s “Today” co-anchor Matt Lauer and “Prairie Home Companion” creator Garrison Keillor latest to be purged
" We have no sympathy for Lauer’s conventional and essentially right-wing views, but the precedent that is being set in these cases is threatening and sinister ". Lauer has been " vaporized " 1984 " style -like the others.
This all seems curiously like the Moscow Trials of the 1930s. It is definitely some sort of RULING CLASS psychosis. Has the male sex in general become more bestial since Trump was elected BULLY-IN -CHIEF of the American plutocracy ?
But the New Puritanism is planted on thin ice. For the nth time on the radio I hear a sleazy FEMALE voice saying : " MEN, YOU WILL BE BIGGER ! " Darwin ( writing on female sexual selection ) Freud
This all seems curiously like the Moscow Trials of the 1930s. It is definitely some sort of RULING CLASS psychosis. Has the male sex in general become more bestial since Trump was elected BULLY-IN -CHIEF of the American plutocracy ?
But the New Puritanism is planted on thin ice. For the nth time on the radio I hear a sleazy FEMALE voice saying : " MEN, YOU WILL BE BIGGER ! " Darwin ( writing on female sexual selection ) Freud
Yes, Harvey Weinstein the Israel Lobby is already as well organized as the Mafia
New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds
There is a distinction between the Mafia and Italians. Sex predator Harvey Weinstein advised a pro-Israel audience that WE must imitate the Mafia, be as well organized as the Mafia ( Applause ) .
But , of course, the Israel Lobby is already as well organized as the Mafia , as bullying as the Mafia. Fearing Christian values as a threat to THEIR " way of life " , they have been attacking religious freedom in this country for decades now.
Working class Americans don't need crazed neo-Nazi groups to point out to them ZIONIST Jew command of the news media.
How long can this arrogant minority within a minority over-rule a culturally Christian nation ? And their hatred for Catholicism is well documented. Not for nothing Hillary Clinton and her Zionist cohorts were determined to sabotage the Catholic Church from within ( Wiki Leaks ). These neo-con war mongers wanted to " rescue " the Church from the Dark Ages. And they are promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Needless to say the ZIONIST Jews are implacably hostile even to Bernie Sanders' modest " political revolution " and milk toast " socialism ". And Sanders is a pro-Israel Jew in the New York Intellectual tradition. He was sabotaged by the Hillary Clinton partisans.
The Israel Lobby supports " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", Wall Street Hillary " .
But , of course, the Israel Lobby is already as well organized as the Mafia , as bullying as the Mafia. Fearing Christian values as a threat to THEIR " way of life " , they have been attacking religious freedom in this country for decades now.
Working class Americans don't need crazed neo-Nazi groups to point out to them ZIONIST Jew command of the news media.
How long can this arrogant minority within a minority over-rule a culturally Christian nation ? And their hatred for Catholicism is well documented. Not for nothing Hillary Clinton and her Zionist cohorts were determined to sabotage the Catholic Church from within ( Wiki Leaks ). These neo-con war mongers wanted to " rescue " the Church from the Dark Ages. And they are promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Needless to say the ZIONIST Jews are implacably hostile even to Bernie Sanders' modest " political revolution " and milk toast " socialism ". And Sanders is a pro-Israel Jew in the New York Intellectual tradition. He was sabotaged by the Hillary Clinton partisans.
The Israel Lobby supports " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", Wall Street Hillary " .
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
A nuclear holocaust is not a hate crime ?
Discussion on WBUR 10 comments
A Warm Welcome In Boston For Hillary Clinton
Working class Americans -not Vladimir Putin- decided the 2016 presidential election. The two party system destroyed what was left of " Democracy in America " long before the coming to power of Czar Putin.
Now young American working class soldiers must ask themselves : Is there any glory in making the world safe for the American plutocracy ? Trump's " way of life " or Hillary Clinton's " way of life " is NOT our WORKING CLASS way of life.
Nice to know that our military is prepared to annihilate both North Korea and Russia with nuclear weapons with no HATE in their hearts . A nuclear holocaust is not a hate crime
Now young American working class soldiers must ask themselves : Is there any glory in making the world safe for the American plutocracy ? Trump's " way of life " or Hillary Clinton's " way of life " is NOT our WORKING CLASS way of life.
Nice to know that our military is prepared to annihilate both North Korea and Russia with nuclear weapons with no HATE in their hearts . A nuclear holocaust is not a hate crime
A Warm Welcome In Boston For Hillary Clinton
Only an entrenched Israel Lobby could have prepared a warm welcome for " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ". She now inspires the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Who controls the mainstream news media ? Ask Matt Lauer.
Jul 28, 2015 - In an exclusive live interview with Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer scolded the former Arkansas governor for his strong criticism of President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran: “It seems to me the irony here is you're taking a pro-Israel stance, but ...]
Not a few " progressive " types have noticed that the Democratic Party is intellectually bankrupt.
Everything the hack leaders say is a variation on " identity politics " themes - so irrelevant to most working class voters. Do they worry about these trans-gender soap operas ? Or the self-esteem problems of the black bourgeoisie ? About the nth dimension of gay rights ?
The Culture of Narcissism is a long way from FDR and the New Deal. The Democratic Party has quickly evolved into a neo-con War Party promoting HATE RUSSIA and the New McCarthyism . Now even rabid sexual McCarthyism.
Who controls the mainstream news media ? Ask Matt Lauer.
NBC's Lauer to Huckabee: 'You Have Offended...Jews Around the World'
Not a few " progressive " types have noticed that the Democratic Party is intellectually bankrupt.
Everything the hack leaders say is a variation on " identity politics " themes - so irrelevant to most working class voters. Do they worry about these trans-gender soap operas ? Or the self-esteem problems of the black bourgeoisie ? About the nth dimension of gay rights ?
The Culture of Narcissism is a long way from FDR and the New Deal. The Democratic Party has quickly evolved into a neo-con War Party promoting HATE RUSSIA and the New McCarthyism . Now even rabid sexual McCarthyism.
How " socialist " parties can degenerate into personality cults
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site 3 comments
The New York Times promotes an American Nazi
In the real world ( the rotten capitalist world ) SNOBBERY is as much -if not more- a reality than racism, sexism, homophobia. The CLASS society plants its seeds even in the most proletarian political organizations.
A MASS party - that really attracts ordinary working people- can overcome this insidious evil. In the absence of NUMBERS you invariably arrive at grotesque personality cults or " country club " socialism.
Trotsky once cracked about an American labor leader who was " the ideal socialist leader for successful dentists ".
A MASS party - that really attracts ordinary working people- can overcome this insidious evil. In the absence of NUMBERS you invariably arrive at grotesque personality cults or " country club " socialism.
Trotsky once cracked about an American labor leader who was " the ideal socialist leader for successful dentists ".
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The Democratic Party is run by pro-Hillary Zionists who loathe " conservative " Christians
New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds
No Christian person would talk like this . You must be an arrogant Zionist Jew who thinks Israel belongs only to those CHOSEN PEOPLE. Here at least you can affirm GENESIS : God created MAN and WOMAN.
If it were true, the control freak would be WELCOME in neo-liberal , feminist WITCH HUNTS. Our ruling class has no desire to control people or the whole world ?
And Zionist Jews have no interest in controlling the mainstream news media ? Or world banking ? Or the " liberal " Democratic Party - run by pro-Hillary Zionists who loathe " conservative " Christians .
The Ayn Rand freaks have no desire to control the capitalist economy ?
And Zionist Jews have no interest in controlling the mainstream news media ? Or world banking ? Or the " liberal " Democratic Party - run by pro-Hillary Zionists who loathe " conservative " Christians .
The Ayn Rand freaks have no desire to control the capitalist economy ?
New Generation Of Transgender Americans Wants To Change Laws, Not Just Minds
I guess it is Mother Nature who is confused . Millions of years of evolution and countless species molded by Darwinian SEXUAL SELECTION . With very few exceptions FEMALES had no problem SELECTING their MALE ideal- which resulted more often than not in healthy offspring.
Nothing hateful about the belief in OBJECTIVE REALITY and the integrity of the scientific method.
Please let us hear from a Harvard biologist who is not a political coward -or a quack.
No decent person will torment individuals with mental illness or just neurotic sex identity confusion.
From " 1984 " 2+2 = 4
Nothing hateful about the belief in OBJECTIVE REALITY and the integrity of the scientific method.
Please let us hear from a Harvard biologist who is not a political coward -or a quack.
No decent person will torment individuals with mental illness or just neurotic sex identity confusion.
From " 1984 " 2+2 = 4
Monday, November 27, 2017
Leon Trotsky was a revolutionary to the core
Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism
Anyone familiar with Leon Trotsky's actual writing ( and the Trotsky that emerges from Dewey Commission view of him ( " Not guilty ! " ) knows that he was REVOLUTIONARY to the core. You will not find a hint of any other agenda in his writing other than the liberation of the whole working class of the world from capitalist exploitation and oppression.
Oddly enough , the object of rabid TWO MINIUTES HATE in Orwell's " 1984 ", Emmanuel Goldstein , was a character resembling Leon Trotsky . ".... his heart went out to the lonely heretic , the sole representative of sanity in a world gone mad ".
Not for nothing the famous astronomer Carl Sagan smuggled a copy of Trotsky's " History of the Russian Revolution " into Russia just before the collapse of the USSR . You can read about it in Sagan's " The Daemon Haunted World ".
Discussion on The Brown Daily Herald
Metz ’20: Sen. Al Franken: Step down
As a democratic socialist I have no use for any of the Democrat or Republican males now accused of predatory sexual behavior- or just drunken bad manners . But I can recognize a WITCH HUNT here - with vicious " feminist " witches doing the remarkably promiscuous hunting. The sexual McCarthyism is backfiring on the " progressive " Democrats -until recently preoccupied with the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Soon we will have empowered the MADE-IN-AMERICA, 2017 equivalent of George Orwell's ( " 1984 " ) ANTI-SEX LEAGUE .
You would think that Charles Darwin ( writing on " sexual selection ) , Sigmund Freud ( writing on the all powerful ID) , Alfred Kinsey ( of the famed " Kinsey Report " ) never existed.
Soon we will have empowered the MADE-IN-AMERICA, 2017 equivalent of George Orwell's ( " 1984 " ) ANTI-SEX LEAGUE .
You would think that Charles Darwin ( writing on " sexual selection ) , Sigmund Freud ( writing on the all powerful ID) , Alfred Kinsey ( of the famed " Kinsey Report " ) never existed.
A Scarlet G for " Groper " ? |
Zionist Israel not worth one drop of a working class American soldier's blood
It is tragic that Zionist Jews have been imitating the Mafia for 50 years. It is not anti-Semitism to condemn Zionism anymore than you denigrate Italians by condemning the Mafia.
The American working class never decided that WE have a sentimental " special relationship " with Zionist Apartheid Israel.
And WE will not let a cabal of extreme Zionists in the " Deep State " lead us into nuclear World War III with Russia. It is the pro-Hillary Zionists who are promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism.
No American working class soldier should die making the world safe for these people or for the American plutocracy. The bipartisan attacks on working class Americans are more terrifying to us than ragtag Islamic " terrorists " thousands of miles away.
But WHO controls the mainstream new media ? WHO will tell the truth ?
The American working class never decided that WE have a sentimental " special relationship " with Zionist Apartheid Israel.
And WE will not let a cabal of extreme Zionists in the " Deep State " lead us into nuclear World War III with Russia. It is the pro-Hillary Zionists who are promoting the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism.
No American working class soldier should die making the world safe for these people or for the American plutocracy. The bipartisan attacks on working class Americans are more terrifying to us than ragtag Islamic " terrorists " thousands of miles away.
But WHO controls the mainstream new media ? WHO will tell the truth ?
The German Revolution after " The Great War " might really have made the world " safe for democracy "
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Israel responds to defeat of Islamist rebels in Syria with threat of wider regional war
I have never encountered a working class American ( to be sure, in my limited life ) who agrees that WE have a sentimental " special relationship " with either Zionist Apartheid Israel or barbaric Saudi Arabia.
Making the world safe for these cruel fanatics or for the American plutocracy is not less silly than " making the world safe for democracy " was 100 years ago.
What might have made the world " safe for democracy " 100 years ago was the Russian Revolution- if only Stalinism had not triumphed so soon after.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Support for Radical Ron on anti-Zionism
[ Brother Ron:
Shame on you, haven't you learned that attacking Zionism is verboten even in this pages?
I had a whole commentary exposing these mothers, excised from WSWS. However be patient, one day the whole world will turn against these bastards. In fact without realizing it, they are digging their own grave.
The greatest lie and fallacy, is equating Jewish to Zionist. Great Jewish people in the past and present, have rejected the Israeli entity. Einstein was offered the presidency in 1948, and rejected the offer on the grounds that the whole lot of them, were a bunch of
Fascists (his words, not mine). The same goes for Hannah Arendt and many, many others. Some Orthodox Jewish sects (mainly in England), reject the founding of Israel as being blasphemous and illegal, and support the Palestinians.
You're guilty as charged, sorry.]
OLIVER SACKS on his personal experience with Zionists
[ I never heard [my parents] talk between themselves about Palestine or Zionism, and I suspected they had no strong convictions on the subject, at least until after the war, when the horror of the Holocaust made them feel there should be a “National Home.” I felt they were bullied by the organizers of these meetings, and by the gangsterlike evangelists who would pound at the front door and demand large sums for yeshivas or “schools in Israel.” My parents, clearheaded and independent in most other ways, seemed to become soft and helpless in the face of these demands, perhaps driven by a sense of obligation or anxiety. My own feelings […] were passionately negative: I came to hate Zionism and evangelism and politicking of every sort, which I regarded as noisy and intrusive and bullying.]
Shame on you, haven't you learned that attacking Zionism is verboten even in this pages?
I had a whole commentary exposing these mothers, excised from WSWS. However be patient, one day the whole world will turn against these bastards. In fact without realizing it, they are digging their own grave.
The greatest lie and fallacy, is equating Jewish to Zionist. Great Jewish people in the past and present, have rejected the Israeli entity. Einstein was offered the presidency in 1948, and rejected the offer on the grounds that the whole lot of them, were a bunch of
Fascists (his words, not mine). The same goes for Hannah Arendt and many, many others. Some Orthodox Jewish sects (mainly in England), reject the founding of Israel as being blasphemous and illegal, and support the Palestinians.
You're guilty as charged, sorry.]
OLIVER SACKS on his personal experience with Zionists
[ I never heard [my parents] talk between themselves about Palestine or Zionism, and I suspected they had no strong convictions on the subject, at least until after the war, when the horror of the Holocaust made them feel there should be a “National Home.” I felt they were bullied by the organizers of these meetings, and by the gangsterlike evangelists who would pound at the front door and demand large sums for yeshivas or “schools in Israel.” My parents, clearheaded and independent in most other ways, seemed to become soft and helpless in the face of these demands, perhaps driven by a sense of obligation or anxiety. My own feelings […] were passionately negative: I came to hate Zionism and evangelism and politicking of every sort, which I regarded as noisy and intrusive and bullying.]
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet
I think the whole subject of the roots of anti-Semitism can be sensitively and honestly investigated by dedicated socialists. So far I can't find a better source " on the Left " than the World Socialist Web Site.
But Orwell was right. There is a BIG CHILL on free speech and free thought as the capitalist world enters the " gathering darkness "
But Orwell was right. There is a BIG CHILL on free speech and free thought as the capitalist world enters the " gathering darkness "
Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein may have plans to kick some anti-Semitic butt.
In a speech accepting the Humanitarian Award at the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s National Tribute Dinner earlier this week, the producer said, “We better stand up and kick these guys in the ass,” referring to present-day anti-Semites.
From " The Times of Israel "
From " The Times of Israel "
[ Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein may have plans to kick some anti-Semitic butt.
In a speech accepting the Humanitarian Award at the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s National Tribute Dinner earlier this week, the producer said, “We better stand up and kick these guys in the ass,” referring to present-day anti-Semites.
“We’re gonna have to get as organized as the mafia,” he continued. “We just can’t take it anymore [from] these crazy bastards.” ]
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site 46 comments
Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet
Zionist Jews are no friends of the socialist working class. Harvey Weinstein recently -before the sex predator scandal- told a pro-Israel audience that " WE " must imitate the Mafia in order to combat anti-Semitism. There was much applause.
If I condemn the Mafia am I denigrating Italians ? It does make a difference if not a few Jews in the mainstream news media are Zionist zealots.
In fact, many once " on the Left " Jews have abandoned international socialist ideals for the idolatry of state worship of Apartheid Israel.
Let the anti-Zionist Jews speak for themselves. The late Oliver Sacks described Zionists as " bullies " in his biography " Uncle Tungsten ".
Professor Howard Zinn was highly critical of Zionism.
How can any democratic socialist be anti-Semitic ?
Readers React
If I condemn the Mafia am I denigrating Italians ? It does make a difference if not a few Jews in the mainstream news media are Zionist zealots.
In fact, many once " on the Left " Jews have abandoned international socialist ideals for the idolatry of state worship of Apartheid Israel.
Let the anti-Zionist Jews speak for themselves. The late Oliver Sacks described Zionists as " bullies " in his biography " Uncle Tungsten ".
Professor Howard Zinn was highly critical of Zionism.
How can any democratic socialist be anti-Semitic ?
Readers React
Donald Trump's popularity in Israel is dismaying
To the editor: It is an incredibly sad reflection of the degradation of Israeli political discourse under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could find supporters in Israel. ("Meet the Israelis praying for a Trump win," March 17)
As an American, I am terrified by Trump. History makes abundantly clear that once someone is allowed to say the things he says, those sentiments drift into being publicly acceptable and eventually, actually become possible.
As an American, I am terrified by Trump. History makes abundantly clear that once someone is allowed to say the things he says, those sentiments drift into being publicly acceptable and eventually, actually become possible.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
The narcissistic explanation for anti-Semitism
[ " Your comment has all the earmarks of a typical anti-Semite and is in keeping with your history of Jew-hating comments. It is easy to believe you have lost promotion after promotion to Jews far smarter than you and that your hate-mongering is a result of this . "]
Why is it that I can APPROVE this comment( not my own ) but not DISAPPROVE it ? There must be a more rational explanation for anti-Semitism than the narcissistic one: WE are so smart; the vulgar tribe of anti-Semites hate us for our very virtues .
No problem with Zionist Apartheid Israel ? No " crimes against humanity " worthy of credibility and the World Court here ?
PressTV-'Zionists in control of internet giants'
Ludicrous lectures to kids on " good touches " and " bad touches "- right out of Orwell's " 1984 "
You would think that sex education in the United States found its inspiration in the " Anti-Sex League " of George Orwell's " 1984 ". You would think that Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud and Alfred Kinsey ( of the famed " Kinsey Report " ) never existed. Presently in the USA sexual McCarthyism is reinforcing the political HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism. All this New Puritanism while radio and TV ads - with a sleazy female voice over- assure middle aged male sex burn outs : " MEN, YOU WILL BE BIGGER ".
Lecturing kids on " good touches " and " bad touches " ignores their instinct for " the creep " and can turn more than a few of them into " cold fish " neurotics as adults.
Did the female author of " The Sensuous Woman " get the 60s sexual revolution all wrong ? And not for nothing the famous anarchist Emma Goldman opposed the criminalization of prostitution.
Lecturing kids on " good touches " and " bad touches " ignores their instinct for " the creep " and can turn more than a few of them into " cold fish " neurotics as adults.
Did the female author of " The Sensuous Woman " get the 60s sexual revolution all wrong ? And not for nothing the famous anarchist Emma Goldman opposed the criminalization of prostitution.
Radical Ron comments on Russia 's " Pravda " : WE socialists want peace !
I am 70 year old democratic socialist. Like millions of socialists I was inspired by the Russian Revolution of 1917. You will never get me to believe in capitalism and its gross economic inequality.
The biggest mistake of the Soviet Union was to make itself officially atheist. That went against the religious instincts of millions of the " workers of the world ".
I am deeply opposed to the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism hysteria in the USA - being promoted by phony " liberal " Democrats . PEACE and love to all Russia ! WE oppose nuclear World War III . WE ordinary Americans.
The biggest mistake of the Soviet Union was to make itself officially atheist. That went against the religious instincts of millions of the " workers of the world ".
I am deeply opposed to the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism hysteria in the USA - being promoted by phony " liberal " Democrats . PEACE and love to all Russia ! WE oppose nuclear World War III . WE ordinary Americans.
The state worship of Israel is a form of idolatry. No ?
Discussion on The Harvard Crimson
Dershowitz Denies Allegations of Sexual Relations with Minor
This much is true : so many obnoxious " professional Jews " in the news lately. Hardly any democratic socialists left among them - like the late great Irving Howe, author of " A Margin of Hope " and " World of Our Fathers ".
The state worship of Zionist Israel is a form of idolatry. No ?
For years now the mainstream news media in the USA equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. I wonder why.
Do you think Aaron Regunberg , Rhode Island Democrat, is an anti-war socialist ?
70 protest GOP tax plan at R.I. State House | Photos, video
Where are the " progressive " Democrats protesting the bipartisan war budget and preparation for nuclear World War III ? A lot of tax payer money is going on a trillion dollar update on the U.S. nuclear weapons system .How much money has already been wasted on imposing the New Colonialism in the Middle East ( let Zionist Israel fight its own battles against equally fanatical opponents ) ? Given its many crimes against humanity , what moral authority does the U.S. military have to LEAD a " war against terrorism " anywhere on the planet ?
The mainstream news media is now nothing more than the voice of the CIA and the " Deep State " . So much for " Democracy in America ".
Do you think Democrat Rep. Aaron Regunberg is an anti-war democratic socialist ? Does he oppose the DNC based HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism ? So many phony " liberal " Democrats - NOT friends of the working people.«
The mainstream news media is now nothing more than the voice of the CIA and the " Deep State " . So much for " Democracy in America ".
Do you think Democrat Rep. Aaron Regunberg is an anti-war democratic socialist ? Does he oppose the DNC based HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism ? So many phony " liberal " Democrats - NOT friends of the working people.«
Do the leaders of China and Russia lack our high " democratic " ideals ?
China, Russia dominate this era's war games in Newport
Do the leaders of China and Russia lack our high " democratic ideals " - as understood by our plutocracy ?
Did working class Americans suddenly feel offended by far away Russia and China ? No, our ruling class has the say on the permanent enemies list . But what did they DO to us ? Take away our health care ? Take away our social mobility ? Take away hope for a brighter future ? Are the Democrats and Republicans making America great again for US ?
Do the leaders of China and Russia lack our high " democratic ideals " - as understood by our plutocracy ?
Discussion on WBUR
Mosque Attack In Egypt's Sinai Kills At Least 200
The root of the evil here is not inexplicable wickedness in the hearts of these Islamic terrorists. U.S imperialism and the New Colonialism has destabilized the Middle East . The chaos is endless and can last for centuries- in the absence of a truly New World Order.
Like ALL phenomena in the universe these terrorists need to be understood. But all the American public gets is cartoon images of them as deranged maniacs. For some strange reason they just hate our " way of life " and our oh-so-reasonable- " democratic " virtues ? And they are definitely NOT cowards. They do sacrifice their own lives - like the Japanese Kama- Kazi pilots in World War II .
This is where endless oppression and misery lead. Charles Dickens said as much in " A Tale of Two Cities ".
No peace will come to the " free world " on the basis of predatory global capitalism.
Oddly enough , none of the Islamic terrorist groups have a quarrel with global capitalism - the very root of the mass misery in the Middle East.

Like ALL phenomena in the universe these terrorists need to be understood. But all the American public gets is cartoon images of them as deranged maniacs. For some strange reason they just hate our " way of life " and our oh-so-reasonable- " democratic " virtues ? And they are definitely NOT cowards. They do sacrifice their own lives - like the Japanese Kama- Kazi pilots in World War II .
This is where endless oppression and misery lead. Charles Dickens said as much in " A Tale of Two Cities ".
No peace will come to the " free world " on the basis of predatory global capitalism.
Oddly enough , none of the Islamic terrorist groups have a quarrel with global capitalism - the very root of the mass misery in the Middle East.
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