The foreign devil paranoia in the USA now has TWO fronts: Dumb and dumber Rhode Island Talk Radio has been bringing attention to sinister Chinese government sponsored " Confucius Institutes " springing up on college campuses everywhere.

 Talk Radio thanks the venerable FBI for alerting us to the spy operation. And this morning it unmasks yet another " Confucius Institute " at the University of Rhode Island . I will hear more about this from an old friend of mine in the math department out there. The reactionary trends in higher education disturb him.

Could Hillary Clinton be a 21st century Helen of Troy - the face that launched a thousand nuclear missiles ? But a facelift might help. Putin correctly saw " Hawk Hillary " as the face of World War III -before the Trump Junta.

[ American Universities Are Welcoming China's Trojan Horse – Foreign ...

 [ May 9, 2017 - Many nations send teachers abroad as a form of cultural and linguistic diplomacy: the Alliance Française for French, the Goethe-Institut for German, the Instituto Cervantes for Spanish, and the British Council for English. China's Confucius Institutes sound similar enough to these Western institutions... ]