Thursday, February 10, 2022

Way back in 1980 Bernie Sanders and I were presidential electors for the Socialist Workers Party ... Sanders in Vermont , Ruggieri, Ronald in Rhode Island


I was a critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders until he endorsed " Wall St. Hillary ". Real SOCIALISTS , Bernie , have no place in the Democratic Party.
Way back in 1980 while Bernie Sanders was a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers Party in Vermont I and a Mss. Gagne were presidential electors for the Socialist Workers Party here in Rhode Island .
But I have ALWAYS been an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist influenced by both Orthodox Marxism and Catholic social philosophy .
[ #FoxNewsWall Street Journal
The Socialist Evolution of Bernie Sanders
He had also begun a dalliance with the Socialist Workers Party, a communist group that had followed Leon Trotsky. Mr. Sanders endorsed the...]
Feb 2, 2020
Sanders’ Socialist Workers Party ties
Sanders, who was mayor from 1981 to 1989, was not a member of the Socialist Workers Party during or after the Iran hostage crisis, according to multiple contemporaneous news reports.
But Sanders was affiliated with the party, even though Vermont in 1980 did not have a branch, according to The Militant. Sanders served as one of the Vermont Electoral College electors for SWP leader and presidential candidate Andrew Pulley. But Pulley’s candidacy was futile, because he was only 29 years old at the time, too young to be president under the U.S. Constitution (the minimum age is 35).

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