Monday, February 7, 2022

Two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the complete rottenness of the capitalist system to many millions of working class Americans


We must try to understand this seemingly mindless police brutality in the context of a truly SCIENTIFIC view of the STATE . BLACK LIVES MATTER groups will find instruction and enlightenment on this topic in Lenin's revolutionary pamphlet ( from 1917 or earlier ) titled " State and Revolution ". Lenin explained without any pathological hate in his heart that the police serve -above all -the capitalist ruling class, serve as their pitbull guardians of capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY . So we see so many young blacks shot down as fleeing suspects from some relatively petty crime against property.
The same is true when armed LAW officers come to evict your old grandmother for non-payment of rent. Or to evict the homeless from PUBLIC property.
Two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have shown the complete rottenness of the capitalist system to many millions of working class Americans of all races and ethnic groups , of all genders and sexual orientations.

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