Tuesday, February 8, 2022

CNN and many other mainstream news media are the voice of belligerent ZIONIST Jews who presently are instigating nuclear World War III with Russia and China over the Ukraine and Taiwan


CNN and many other mainstream news media are the voice of belligerent ZIONIST Jews who presently are instigating nuclear World War III with Russia and China over the Ukraine and Taiwan. These mostly irreligious ( like Ayn Rand ) ZIONIST Jews have the authoritarian mentality of Stalinist Russia the formation of which they played no small role.
They invariably confuse themselves with " OUR democracy ". Inside the Democratic Party these war mongering ZIONIST Jews promote the idea ( in the form of daffy, vicious " identity politics ") that " democracy " in general has nothing to do with MAJORITY RULE. They pander to poor, oppressed black people but betray them again and again as will ALL class enemies of the American working class.

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