Sunday, March 25, 2018

Zionism - a false solution for anti-Semitism

  • Do I think any less my Italian heritage because of Mussolini or the Mafia ? The same about " Jews in general " under the dark shadow of Zionism. For democratic socialists there is a sharp distinction between the capitalist class and the working class, between the exploiters and the exploiters . No genetic heritage forces any individual to be greedy and selfish. Karl Marx , a Jew, chose to side with the working class , chose to arm it with a correct and powerful theory, a theory of History and a theory of " class struggle ". Bourgeois " democracy " has always denied the obvious : the reality of a class divided society. American high schools and colleges prefer that graduating students not be able even to IMAGINE a different " way of life ". Just how does the military get working class recruits to fight for THIS hell of inequality ?
    The Jewish presence in the socialist movement has been a blessing for the human race. Zionism is proving to be a false solution to anti-Semitism. It even involves a violation of the Ten Commandments : not to worship idols. Zionism is clearly a form of state worship - indulged in by secular Jews. Orthodox Jews are increasingly disillusioned with Zionism.
    In the past decades -since the 1967 Middle East war- so many " public intellectual" Jews have abandoned their once refreshing " progressive " cosmopolitism - or even socialist internationalism - for a cramped and arrogant nationalism . What would our founding fathers think about a JEWISH state ? And about dual citizenship in Apartheid Israel ?
    American Zionists in both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party tend to be belligerent neo-cons- completely out of touch with the still mostly Christian working class.
    I could honestly say that I am a bigger fan of Western Civilization - the best of it - than I am of Dark Age backwardness in the Middle East. Why can't Arabs and Jews get along in a SECULAR nation which respects ALL the great religions of humankind ? It is foolish to fight over the bones ( sacred ground ) of long dead ancestors.
    Our ashes ultimately belong to the Cosmos - not to some fabled Garden of Eden. God is everywhere !

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