Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The American working class - the real LEFT - can stop World War III

Discussion on The Brown Daily Herald   

Study finds most hosted speakers lean left politically

This so called LEFT is vaguely defined in the mainstream news media . So far right has the American ruling class moved since the Reagan era that they succeeded in making LIBERAL a dirty word .

 Students should study the LEFT of the 1930s for some real perspective on what it means today to be a " leftist ". So many who describe themselves as " leftists " are a long way from radical socialism - a complete rejection of the CAPITALIST way of life.

  The Old Left focused on economic inequality , on raising the CLASS consciousness of the working class. Do you really think that Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have any claim on the legacy of the American socialist Eugene V. Debs - who said that the only just war is CLASS WAR ?

       Right wing talk radio places quite moderate Democrats " on the Left " : Warren and Sanders are " far left " from their position in right field . Yet Warren and Sanders make no appeals to working class militancy . They are solicitous for the stressed out American middle class : " Save the middle class ! " they cry. They pretend that they can do this without even stepping on the toes of the American plutocracy . And what kind of American " left " is it that silenced the anti-war movement , promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism ?

              The Old Left can only laugh sardonically at self-described " socialists " who reject SOCIALISM . They are not even patient Fabian socialists like H.G. Wells . In truth SOCIALISM is never on the their agenda .

      The so called Left in America is besotted with political correctness and vicious identity politics . They ignore CLASS and pander to race , gender , and sexual orientation. This Left appeals mostly to ambitious, social climbing, petty bourgeois college students.

                 Presently the American pseudo-Left imagines that the NRA is the root of all evil. But if " weapons of war " are hidden in upper class homes , this is explained by news media neglect of the CLASS WAR . The nervous bourgeoisie and the affluent middle class fear for their PRIVATE PROPERTY and class privilege. The " criminal class " might get out of control . They need BIG GOVERNMENT only for their capitalist police state and for nuclear World War III ( which they think will make the American Empire great again ) .

               Our two party system offers no " democracy " to 100 million working class Americans. WE can replace it with an American Labor Party. WE can stop World War III !

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