Friday, March 30, 2018

The most dramatic relic of World War I : the battlefield of Verdun

A century after WWI, munitions still making way onto beaches
Of course any student of history will be interested in the relics of great wars . There are relics of Great Caesar's Gallic War . The most dramatic " relic " of the Great War - " the war to end all wars " .... " the war to make the world safe for democracy " - remains the battle ground of Verdun - " The Horror Verdun " :

[  " The truth hit home for the German soldier with all the impact of one of the millions of artillery shells buzzing through the air at the Battle of Verdun during World War I.

He was digging a trench when his pickaxe became entangled in a bundle of slime. On the end were human entrails — all that was left of a dead man buried there by a previous bombardment.

‘Until then, I had seen the dead without really seeing them, like figures in a waxworks. But now the words closed upon my brain like a vice. A dead man. They choked my throat and chilled my heart.

‘All these corpses had been men who breathed as I breathed, had had a father, a mother, a woman whom they loved, a piece of land which was theirs, faces which expressed joy and suffering, which had known the light of day and the colour of the sky. "  ]

 A mountain of German and French skeletons rotting there for more than a hundred years. This bloody , stupid , imperialist war - EXPOSED in 1917 only by Lenin and his Russian Bolsheviks -was glorified in the USA with Wilsonian blather. The Treaty of Versaille then laid the foundation for World War II - an even bloodier human catastrophe.

             The top American generals now planning nuclear World War III with Russia are not less stupid than the French and German masterminds of the " Horror of Verdun ".

                As the American socialist Eugene V. Debs said protesting that Great War of 1914 : " The only just war is CLASS WAR ! " .

                The mainstream FAKE NEWS media has failed to sell World War III with " Evil Russia " to the American working class, the class that does all the suffering and dying , makes all the sacrifice, in these insane imperialist wars -always begun with FALSE words and phrases -like "DEFENDING FREEDOM " .

          An old Army bullet for your thoughts ?

Image result for " The Horror of Verdun  "
A mountain of bones still there at Verdun

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