Thursday, March 15, 2018

School gun violence and THE LONER as creep ?

Letter: Gary Lonergan: No possibility that veterans will be protecting schools

                  The brighter kids should see the big picture : a social system that MASS PRODUCES weapons of war because of its inner contradictions .
  Mobilize tens of thousands of cops in order to check and STOP a very few neglected" lost souls " but pretend that there is nothing SICK about the individuals at the top of the military industrial complex, nothing sick about the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism , and military preparations for nuclear World War III ?

Connect the institution of CAPITALIST PRIVATE PROPERTY with the felt need for automatic weapons ?

Why must the existing AMERICAN POLICE STATE penetrate even the public schools ?

Beware the Loner Myth and Profiling Efforts to ID School Schooters ... [
Apr 18, 2007 - The loner myth has been going on all day. CNN was talking about it all morning--how these shooters all turn out to be outcasts and loners. No, what actually happens is that the media got the loner/outcast narrative down years ago, and always jumps to that conclusion, so the repetition convinces them that ...]

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