Monday, March 19, 2018

Socialist movement must not welcome " professional God Haters "

Discussion on World Socialist Web Site   

Cosmologist Stephen Hawking dies at 76

" If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality "
 Some last words of wisdom from Stephen Hawking. Whether or not you can believe in the traditional God of Christianity , you can experience the great wonder of THE COSMOS.

A vanguard socialist party must understand that the vast majority of working class people are NOT ideological socialists and only a completely different way of life can educate them away from more naïve religious beliefs or just plain ignorance and superstition.

                Countless millions take their Christian , Islamic , Jewish religious faith seriously. The working class is divided enough . A vanguard socialist party actively communicating with the working class must not sound like the scornful, arrogant , and mostly PETTY BOURGEOIS "New Atheists " . ( like the late Christopher Hitchens or the troubled Lawrence Krauss ).

I recall Engels having a sharp rebuke for the professional " God haters " in his day.
Build bridges to the working class - religious and irreligious.

[  " Herr Dühring, however, cannot wait until religion dies this, its natural, death. He proceeds in more deep-rooted fashion. He out-Bismarcks Bismarck; he decrees sharper May laws [127] not merely against Catholicism, but against all religion whatsoever; he incites his gendarmes of the future against religion, and thereby helps it to martyrdom and a prolonged lease of life. Wherever we turn, we find specifically Prussian socialism.
After Herr Dühring has thus happily destroyed religion,... "]

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