Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Nothing can be more foolish and self-defeating than thinking that more " liberal " Democrats will solve these social problems. We need the American equivalent of the British Labor Party - with a more militant class struggle oriented constitution and plan of action.
One would think that with a stroke of the pen Governor Gina Raimondo can SOLVE the hunger problem for many Rhode Island families created by her new dysfunctional state computer system. Visit the DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SUFFERING, Governor . They talk about this every day on 630 WPRO talk radio.
Working class Palestinians and working class Jews can get along in a SECULAR DEMOCRACY
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Israel kills 17 border demonstrators in Gaza
Never a kind word in the mainstream news media for the oppressed -practically leaderless- Palestinians. Why are they left to defend themselves with cave man weapons - sticks and stones ?
Working class Palestinians and working class Jews should have no problem living together in a SECULAR democracy that respects ALL the great religions of humanity but bows to none of them.
Oddly enough I read about Orthodox Jews who are disillusioned with Zionism - with an apartheid nation state - as a bulwark against anti-Semitism.
The late Harvard professor Howard Zinn had some sharp and informed ( Zinn was from a Jewish background ) opinions on Zionism. Isaac Asimov was also skeptical about Jewish
nationalism. He wrote in his autobiography that he found Elie Wiesel sanctimonious on the issue.
Working class Palestinians and working class Jews should have no problem living together in a SECULAR democracy that respects ALL the great religions of humanity but bows to none of them.
Oddly enough I read about Orthodox Jews who are disillusioned with Zionism - with an apartheid nation state - as a bulwark against anti-Semitism.
The late Harvard professor Howard Zinn had some sharp and informed ( Zinn was from a Jewish background ) opinions on Zionism. Isaac Asimov was also skeptical about Jewish
nationalism. He wrote in his autobiography that he found Elie Wiesel sanctimonious on the issue.
[ "I [ Isaac Asimov } let the others argue for a moment while I brooded over my resentment; then, unable to contain myself any longer, I spoke up: "Mr. Wiesel, you're wrong; the fact that a group of people has suffered appalling persecution does not mean it is inherently good and innocent. All that the persecution proves is that this group was in a position of weakness. If the Jews were in a position of strength, who knows if they wouldn't become persecutors?"
To which Wiesel replied, very angrily: "Give me one example of the Jews persecuting anyone!"
Naturally, I was expecting this. "At the time of the Maccabees, in the second century BCE, John Hyrcanus of Judea conquered Edom and gave the Edomites the choice of conversion to Judaism, or death. Not being idiots, the Edomites converted, but afterwards they were still treated as inferiors because even though they had become Jews, they were still originally Edomites".
Wiesel, even more upset, said: "There is no other example."
"There is no other period in history where Jews have exercised power", I replied. "The only time they had it, they behaved just like the others."
That put an end to the discussion. I would add however that the audience was entirely on the side of Elie Wiesel. ]
To which Wiesel replied, very angrily: "Give me one example of the Jews persecuting anyone!"
Naturally, I was expecting this. "At the time of the Maccabees, in the second century BCE, John Hyrcanus of Judea conquered Edom and gave the Edomites the choice of conversion to Judaism, or death. Not being idiots, the Edomites converted, but afterwards they were still treated as inferiors because even though they had become Jews, they were still originally Edomites".
Wiesel, even more upset, said: "There is no other example."
"There is no other period in history where Jews have exercised power", I replied. "The only time they had it, they behaved just like the others."
That put an end to the discussion. I would add however that the audience was entirely on the side of Elie Wiesel. ]
Friday, March 30, 2018
The most dramatic relic of World War I : the battlefield of Verdun
Of course any student of history will be interested in the relics of great wars . There are relics of Great Caesar's Gallic War . The most dramatic " relic " of the Great War - " the war to end all wars " .... " the war to make the world safe for democracy " - remains the battle ground of Verdun - " The Horror Verdun " :
[ " The truth hit home for the German soldier with all the impact of one of the millions of artillery shells buzzing through the air at the Battle of Verdun during World War I.
He was digging a trench when his pickaxe became entangled in a bundle of slime. On the end were human entrails — all that was left of a dead man buried there by a previous bombardment.
‘Until then, I had seen the dead without really seeing them, like figures in a waxworks. But now the words closed upon my brain like a vice. A dead man. They choked my throat and chilled my heart.
‘All these corpses had been men who breathed as I breathed, had had a father, a mother, a woman whom they loved, a piece of land which was theirs, faces which expressed joy and suffering, which had known the light of day and the colour of the sky. " ]
A mountain of German and French skeletons rotting there for more than a hundred years. This bloody , stupid , imperialist war - EXPOSED in 1917 only by Lenin and his Russian Bolsheviks -was glorified in the USA with Wilsonian blather. The Treaty of Versaille then laid the foundation for World War II - an even bloodier human catastrophe.
The top American generals now planning nuclear World War III with Russia are not less stupid than the French and German masterminds of the " Horror of Verdun ".
As the American socialist Eugene V. Debs said protesting that Great War of 1914 : " The only just war is CLASS WAR ! " .
The mainstream FAKE NEWS media has failed to sell World War III with " Evil Russia " to the American working class, the class that does all the suffering and dying , makes all the sacrifice, in these insane imperialist wars -always begun with FALSE words and phrases -like "DEFENDING FREEDOM " .
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
PayPal blocks sale of WSWS pamphlet
I commend the World Socialist Web Site for seeing the value of old fashioned PRINTED communications. A REAL socialist newspaper would be a welcome site at any factory gate.
"The effective banning of the sale of a book represents a dangerous new stage in the ongoing campaign to criminalize political expression and censor freedom of speech on the Internet."
I can see how almost blissful freedom of speech in the early days of the Internet is becoming more and more cramped.
The disease spreads : A few weeks ago I wanted to post a comment ( promoting the black poet , Langston Hughes ) on the Brown [ University ] Daily Herald web site and instantly got this message: " You are banned .... " No reason given and no example where I " crossed the line ". They had never even REMOVED any of my previous posts. Of course, I try to respect ordinary decency while debating " controversial " issues.
[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by The Brown Daily Herald. Find out more. ] testing just today
I guess " socialism " will soon be BANNED IN BOSTON as obscene and politically incorrect.
Best wishes for your " free speech " fight . The truth itself is revolutionary !
World War III for THIS ... sour Hillary ?
Sessions Says 'No' To Republican Requests For A Second Special Counsel
This Kafkaesque " Russia collusion investigation " will die a natural death soon after the 2018 elections. Do you think it will end with the impeachment of President Trump and an official declaration of war against " Evil Russia " ? Nuclear World War III for THIS ?
In truth, what a very long joke . Find a working class voter burning with resentment because " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " lost the 2016 presidential election.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
" Evil Russia " hysteria has not spread to the American class
Russia Retaliates, Expels 60 American Diplomats After U.S. Action
This EVIL RUSSIA hysteria -thank God- has not spread to the American working class which makes all the " sacrifice " in imperialist wars. The mainstream news media cannot get us to believe that the Russian oligarchy is more villainous, more the enemy of OUR " democracy " than the American plutocracy which controls the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
How sickening to hear " liberal " Democrats slobbering over the police state institutions of the FBI and the CIA .
The " Russia collusion " investigation has an eerie resemblance to the Franz Kafka classic " The Trial ". What was the crime ?
Indeed the mainstream news media -led by the sanctimonious New York Times - is the kingdom of FAKE NEWS . Trump gets that right .
How sickening to hear " liberal " Democrats slobbering over the police state institutions of the FBI and the CIA .
The " Russia collusion " investigation has an eerie resemblance to the Franz Kafka classic " The Trial ". What was the crime ?
Indeed the mainstream news media -led by the sanctimonious New York Times - is the kingdom of FAKE NEWS . Trump gets that right .
The murder of Stephon Clark and the fight against police violence
The black community in America desperately needs the uncompromised, militant voice of another natural born leader like Malcolm X- assassinated in 1965 with the help of FBI intrigue.
Malcolm X made a connection which " respectable " black leaders today - like Al Sharpton - are too obtuse to make : a connection between CLASS and racism , between CAPITALISM and racism, between imperialism and racism.
The only categorical moral imperative of Marxism is that you never side with the oppressors against the oppressed. That is clear even in those abstruse discussions on class struggle theory or in those convoluted sectarian debates ( of course, SOMEBODY must be right there ).
What the World Socialist Web Site gets so right is this : the FRAUD of DNC based " identity politics ".
Malcolm X made a connection which " respectable " black leaders today - like Al Sharpton - are too obtuse to make : a connection between CLASS and racism , between CAPITALISM and racism, between imperialism and racism.
The only categorical moral imperative of Marxism is that you never side with the oppressors against the oppressed. That is clear even in those abstruse discussions on class struggle theory or in those convoluted sectarian debates ( of course, SOMEBODY must be right there ).
What the World Socialist Web Site gets so right is this : the FRAUD of DNC based " identity politics ".
Find a working class American with grievance list against Russia and Putin ?
Our greedy plutocracy which has the bipartisan support of Democrats and Republicans -wants to put state welfare programs on rations . The precious money saved can feed the already stuffed pig of the military industrial complex. War is good for working class people ?
Study history . See the long view of history . THE PEOPLE sooner or later explode and avenge their misery on the privileged minority . If you could just listen to poor French peasants, in the streets of Paris in 1789 .
This sanctimonious, pro-war attitude toward Russia - voiced by " liberal " Democrats " - sickens the working class majority in America . Find a working class American voter with a grievance list against Russia and Vladimir Putin ? Are they attacking OUR standard of living ?
WE are much more outraged by the bipartisan conspiracy with the American plutocracy - not on a higher ethical level than Putin's Russian oligarchy. No suckers here for nuclear World War III !
Robert S. Mueller III's investigation of sinister " Russia collusion " deserves the Franz Kafka Award for the most outrageous TRIAL without a named CRIME. Mueller III will go down in history as a rather silly , stuffy, and obtuse official. " Russia as ENEMY " is not selling in working class America.
Funeral For Stephon Clark To Begin As Sacramento Unrest Continues
The simple truth is that in capitalist America - explosive with CLASS contradictions - the police can and will get away with murder in the interest of RULING CLASS based " law and order ".
The same capitalist state that readily kills a person for paltry crimes against private property is prepared to slaughter MILLIONS in the coming imperialist wars .
The ruling class wants you to think that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea , even poor Venezuela ! are YOUR enemy - not the greedy , corrupt, plutocracy running the United States with BIPARTISAN support , Democrats and Republicans .
The Black Muslim Malcolm X made some great speeches against police brutality in America. EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION have not gone away since 1965 when Malcolm X was assassinated with the help of FBI intrigue.
Malcolm X connected racism with capitalism, racism with imperialism.
My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ".
The same capitalist state that readily kills a person for paltry crimes against private property is prepared to slaughter MILLIONS in the coming imperialist wars .
The ruling class wants you to think that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea , even poor Venezuela ! are YOUR enemy - not the greedy , corrupt, plutocracy running the United States with BIPARTISAN support , Democrats and Republicans .
The Black Muslim Malcolm X made some great speeches against police brutality in America. EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION have not gone away since 1965 when Malcolm X was assassinated with the help of FBI intrigue.
Malcolm X connected racism with capitalism, racism with imperialism.
My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ".
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
A sample of Pop's fan mail ( 1968 ) On the poem " If " by Rudyard Kipling
On July 12, 1968, a William C. Eccleston , then a member of the Coventry, Rhode Island Town Council, sent this " fan " mail to my father ( radio name DON ROGERS , WEAN, Providence ) :
[ Dear Don:
Just a short note to let you know we really enjoy your show. I am quite busy most of the time and usually find your show most effective medicine when I'm trying to unwind and relax. The Cares of the day seem to drift away when my mind is stimulated with new thoughts when you read and the pleasing moods are kept alive with pleasing music .
I especially enjoyed your reading of the poem " IF ". In our conversation on the phone the other night you said you had considered making a recording , I'd like to encourage the idea and offer any help that I can . Until you do the poem " IF " , I'll have to settle for a written copy if you would, please.
Thanking you for many hours of pleasure , I remain
Sincerely Yours,
Wm. C. Eccleston
Hill Farm Rd.
Coventry, R.I. 02816 ]
For the rich luxury fall out shelters.. for the rest of us FREE CREMATION SERVICE ( nuclear war benefit )
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
The poisoning of Skripal and the campaign against Russia
There must be a new malady called BRINK OF WAR FATIGUE. It exists side by side with Leon Trotsky's " permanent revolution ". Which capitalist nation state could possibly emerge " victorious " even in a major non-nuclear war ?
The daily dose of hysteria over sinister foreign enemies everywhere puts common people on notice that THEIR government is too busy protecting them from THE ENEMY to make life any more happier and healthier for them. But then what more can any reasonable working class person want than this blissful capitalist way of life ? Good and guaranteed for another millennium !
An intelligent being- of truly ADVANCED intelligence- studying and tuned in to planet Earth from another galaxy might conclude that the human race is too stupid to survive. Therefore " CANCEL EXPEDITION ".
Does the ONE PERCENT hope to survive a NUCLEAR war ? On the market now - luxury fall out shelters. But for the rest us FREE cremation service.
The daily dose of hysteria over sinister foreign enemies everywhere puts common people on notice that THEIR government is too busy protecting them from THE ENEMY to make life any more happier and healthier for them. But then what more can any reasonable working class person want than this blissful capitalist way of life ? Good and guaranteed for another millennium !
An intelligent being- of truly ADVANCED intelligence- studying and tuned in to planet Earth from another galaxy might conclude that the human race is too stupid to survive. Therefore " CANCEL EXPEDITION ".
Does the ONE PERCENT hope to survive a NUCLEAR war ? On the market now - luxury fall out shelters. But for the rest us FREE cremation service.
For the ONE PERCENT - a COMFORTABLE nuclear holocaust |
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Leon Trotsky on world capitalism : " Some day we would get the better of that lunatic asylum "
How ridiculous for the American ruling class - the conscience of the world has recorded its many crimes against humanity- to adopt a sanctimonious attitude toward Russia. The Putin government does not live up to the high moral standards and principled politics of the CIA, the FBI and Republican and Democratic parties ?
Has the FAKE NEWS media in the United States - with its New York Times main office - succeeded in making the American working class all forgiving about class oppression in this country but war feverish over depraved Russia - now CAPITALIST Russia ?
Forget about the misadventures of Napoleon and Hitler in Russia. Picture vast Russia occupied by the American military . And the equal of a General Douglas MacArthur set up as the victorious post war DICTATOR in Moscow. The Russian people might be familiar with the lyrics of the song : " Meet the new boss... same as the old boss. "
But in starting such a stupid and suicidal war WE " won't be fooled again " ?
Reflecting on the capitalist ruling class the young Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky vowed : " Some day we would get the better of that lunatic asylum ! "
Presently war fever among the American working class is hardly at room temperature ( I should know ). And a poll shows many youth " favorable to some form of socialism ". The FAKE NEWS media must try harder at daily TWO MINUTES HATE.
It would be so horribly ironic if thousands of the young people who protested in the streets of America last weekend for strict gun control, so that they might be safer in school , ended up as cannon fodder for the next imperialist war.
But I still find the young Trotsky's words above inspiring.
" Gun control " should apply to the lunatics in the Pentagon too.
[ Russia Insider - The West's sanctimonious attitude towards Russia...
The West's sanctimonious attitude towards Russia, China and Iran is dangerous and self-defeating.]Has the FAKE NEWS media in the United States - with its New York Times main office - succeeded in making the American working class all forgiving about class oppression in this country but war feverish over depraved Russia - now CAPITALIST Russia ?
Forget about the misadventures of Napoleon and Hitler in Russia. Picture vast Russia occupied by the American military . And the equal of a General Douglas MacArthur set up as the victorious post war DICTATOR in Moscow. The Russian people might be familiar with the lyrics of the song : " Meet the new boss... same as the old boss. "
But in starting such a stupid and suicidal war WE " won't be fooled again " ?
Reflecting on the capitalist ruling class the young Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky vowed : " Some day we would get the better of that lunatic asylum ! "
Presently war fever among the American working class is hardly at room temperature ( I should know ). And a poll shows many youth " favorable to some form of socialism ". The FAKE NEWS media must try harder at daily TWO MINUTES HATE.
It would be so horribly ironic if thousands of the young people who protested in the streets of America last weekend for strict gun control, so that they might be safer in school , ended up as cannon fodder for the next imperialist war.
But I still find the young Trotsky's words above inspiring.
" Gun control " should apply to the lunatics in the Pentagon too.
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An " American Caesar " in Russia ? |
Monday, March 26, 2018
Stormy Daniels Shares Graphic Details About Alleged Affair With Trump
Convince all the American voters for Trump of this ? [ impeach Trump ? ] As a DEMOCRATIC socialist I favor neither Democrats or Republicans . We count on the good sense of the American working class .
An ELECTED president still has more moral authority than unelected FBI, CIA , scheming , elitist bureaucrats . Imagine the scandal of having a real PLAYBOY in the White House. Who ever heard of this before ?
Will a President Pence get us all behind nuclear World War III ?
An ELECTED president still has more moral authority than unelected FBI, CIA , scheming , elitist bureaucrats . Imagine the scandal of having a real PLAYBOY in the White House. Who ever heard of this before ?
Will a President Pence get us all behind nuclear World War III ?
U.S. Expels 60 Russian Officials, Closes Consulate In Seattle
All this Ian Flemming " Goldfinger " style international intrigue behind the backs of the working class majority in the United States ? Are CIA/ FBI bureaucrats the precious guardians of what passes for " democracy " in America ?
Have we no say in nuclear World War III ? Are the plutocracy's enemies OUR enemies ? Are the plutocracy's friends OUR friends ? Think about it if you love your children and your grandchildren -or if you are not a pro-capitalist , pro-imperialist ogre eager for the BIG ONE.
Have we no say in nuclear World War III ? Are the plutocracy's enemies OUR enemies ? Are the plutocracy's friends OUR friends ? Think about it if you love your children and your grandchildren -or if you are not a pro-capitalist , pro-imperialist ogre eager for the BIG ONE.
A truly SANE replacement for President Trump - PLEASE APPLY TO THE NEW YORK TIMES MAIN OFFICE
Well that explains it . From the New York Times :
[ " Dec 1, 2017 - He [ President Trump ]seems to be cracking up. .... If you think 2017 was bad, imagine an America without allies fighting another two-front war, this one involving nuclear weapons, under the leadership of the most hated president in modern history, while a ... If everything goes up in flames, we can't say we weren't warned. " ]
[ " Dec 1, 2017 - He [ President Trump ]seems to be cracking up. .... If you think 2017 was bad, imagine an America without allies fighting another two-front war, this one involving nuclear weapons, under the leadership of the most hated president in modern history, while a ... If everything goes up in flames, we can't say we weren't warned. " ]
Is there a SANER ruling class favored replacement for President Donald Trump to lead the " free world " into the nuclear holocaust of World War III ? Please apply to the New York Times main office .
" Crazy am I ? I 'll show YOU who's CRAZY ! " And he did ( the Dr. Frankenstein character in the famous horror movie ) .
Crazy am I...? (Frankenstein 1931) - YouTube
Jan 9, 2018 - Uploaded by Malus Phillips
Taken from Frankenstein 1931. When accused of being crazy, Victor/HenryFrankenstein (Colin Clive ...Bishop Tobin and " common sense " on gun control
“It seems to me that private citizens shouldn’t be permitted to own assault rifles any more than then they can own chemical weapons of mass destruction. How about a little common sense in this public debate?” Bishop Thomas J. Tobin .
Yes , this indeed is just common sense . But what was lacking in the mass gun control protests the last weekend was UNCOMMON sense : that connects the government's " weapons of mass destruction " -like an Apocalyptic nuclear war arsenal- with the moral chaos of " war weapons " violence against unarmed citizens just living their precious ordinary lives.
Mindless FREE ENTERPRISE- in decaying capitalist America-allows unbalanced, disturbed individuals easier access to horrible mass murder weapons than to some cheap mental health clinics .
Who will protect us from the INSANE CAPITALIST economic order ? Not the Trump Junta ! Not the " liberal " Democrats !« less
Should a smear campaign remove a LEGITIMATE ( by ruling class LAW ) President Trump ?
Stormy Daniels Shares Graphic Details About Alleged Affair With Trump
By the laws of our very own ruling class Donald Trump IS the legitimate president of the United States. He can or should be removed ONLY by some visibly CONSTITUTIONAL process. Not by the witch hunting of the endless and now ludicrous " Russia Investigation " . Not by a FAKE NEWS media smear campaign .
Was Marilyn Monroe having press conferences when she was the mistress of JFK in the early 60s ? How many mouths did old Joe Kennedy's fortune muzzle ?
Why not dislike Trump for the RIGHT reasons - not for being an all too typical upper class male ? Is one plutocrat in the White House any than better another ?
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