Friday, March 18, 2016

At some point you need to get " intellectual " , you need a theory of history

Ron Ruggieri

      At some point you need to get " intellectual " and talk about a rational " theory of history ". Marx saw human history - at least from the dawn of " civilization " -as a series of class struggles . That does seem to be the truth of the centuries. CHANGE comes from below, a stirring of the masses, not from the nods of obtuse bureaucrats and torpid public officials.

Why Bernie Sanders Won’t Give Up

Ron Ruggieri

    Show me any ordinary " loyal " Democrats - not self-serving party hacks- who are just giddy about Hillary ? With Sanders out of the picture -and also his " political revolution " - cheering mobs of supporters will greet Hillary ? I can see why angry working class voters might just end up voting for The Donald. Millions fed up with establishment approved presidential candidates.

Ron Ruggieri
   Above all,any honest democratic socialist must urge a break - at some point- with the two party system. It is nothing more than the Right and Left political profile of Corporate America.
Unchecked capitalism is ruining the quality of life for ALL human beings on this planet . Even plutocrats need a viable planet to live in.

Ron Ruggieri

   The World Socialist Web Site-of which I am a critical supporter- says again and again in its editorials that a true socialist cannot
survive -as a socialist- in the Democratic Party. These rather sharp -but at times annoyingly sectarian socialists- believe that neo-liberal " identity politics " only blunts class consciousness and stupefies political debate on the Left. I agree.
   To be sure, it won't be " morning in America " for working class women just because Hillary is president. Nor will it be " happy days " for most black Americans.

   Could you explain why white people like Bernie Sanders but black people don't ? Only " lily white " people will benefit from " democratic socialism " ? Way back in 1965 Black Muslim Malcolm X was making a connection between capitalism and racial oppression : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker ", said Malcolm in a Harlem speech.
The " more " it takes for Bernie Sander's " political revolution " is called a class revolt- a working class uprising. In general class trumps race in explaining the misery index in America.

   Yes, in scientific sociology " we are down to Marx " just as in everyday physics we are still down to old Isaac Newton. Old Freud can explain why relatively privileged , educated individuals " resist " the socialist point of view - something to do with the " id " and the " ego ".
You can't begin to understand biology without reference to Darwin and evolution. Human society also evolves- and often enough by revolutionary leaps- such as the French Revolution of 1789 the American Revolution of 1776, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Chinese Revolution of 1949.
Hard to believe that human civilization culminates in Ayn Rand and " The Virtue of Selfishness ".
The class struggle explains just everything about American politics.

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