Friday, December 3, 2021

2020 Navage 30 Sec Commercial: Clean nose, healthy life


  1. I think we in the USA are living in the Golden Age of False Advertising. Radio and TV bludgeon listeners with this commercial hour after hour , day after day . Do greedy people behind this superfluous advertising want nose cleaning with Navage ( it even sounds unctuous ) to become a daily habit of millions -like tooth brushing ? No DANGER or WARNING here ? Do most medical doctors now in our country have the souls of charlatans ?

  2. And who is GREAT CHALATAN here ? Well how about that . He is a former Congressman !
    Michael McIntyre
    "Former Congressman Martin Hoke hopes his new invention improves health while he gets paid through your nose
    Updated: Jan. 11, 2019, 7:21 p.m. | Published: Jun. 08, 2016, 9:00 a


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