Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The attempt of the American ruling class to pre-empt a coming populist revolution ( fascist or SOCIALIST ? ) with a pseudo-scientific DOCTORS' PLOT will fail miserably.


If people start dying en masse of COVID-19 and its variants , blame it more on the FOR PROFIT capitalist health care system in the USA than BLAME THE VICTIMS for not getting their first vaccination , their second , third and nth booster shots.
The daily COVID -19 casualty statistics seem highly questionable if not damn shoddy.
The attempt of the American ruling class to pre-empt a coming populist revolution ( fascist or SOCIALIST ? ) with a pseudo-scientific DOCTORS' PLOT will fail miserably.
[The "doctors' plot" affair (Russian: дело врачей, romanized: delo vrachey, lit. 'doctors' case'), also known as the case of saboteur doctors (Russian: врачи-вредители, romanized: vrachi-vrediteli, lit. 'vermin doctors') or killer doctors (Russian: врачи-убийцы, romanized: vrachi-ubiytsy), was an antisemitic campaign in the Soviet Union organized by Joseph Stalin. In 1951–1953, a group of predominantly Jewish doctors from Moscow were accused of a conspiracy to assassinate Soviet leaders.[1] This was later accompanied by publications of antisemitic character in the media, which talked about the threats of Zionism and condemned people with Jewish surnames. Following this, many doctors, both Jews and non-Jews, were dismissed from their jobs, arrested, and tortured to produce admissions. The deportation of the entire Jewish population of the Soviet Union to the Gulag was intended to follow.[2] A few weeks after the death of Stalin, the new Soviet leadership said there was a lack of evidence regarding the doctors' plot and the case was dropped. Soon after, it was declared that the case had been a fabrication.]

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