Thursday, December 30, 2021

And the inner circles of these " Marxist " parties are quite often neurotic Jews quite out of touch with ordinary working class people


" It is also clear that the corporate media has deliberately muted its coverage and shown little to no interest in exploring important new facts that have emerged from the trial. " It is downright strange that the political LEFT hesitates to say that secular, anti-religious, anti-Christian ZIONIST Jews control the " corporate media " in the United States. And Why ? Alas , because many " Marxist " political parties -like the weird enough Socialist Equality Party - are quite often LED by neurotic Jews, quite often " enterprising Jews " . And the inner circles of these " Marxist " parties are quite often neurotic Jews quite out of touch with ordinary working class people. Also their vociferous hostility to " religion ", to Christianity , to the Catholic Church , virtually guarantees that they will NEVER evolve into a formidable SOCIALIST mass movement. But decaying capitalism might have some use for them as a STALINIST influence on the Left. Or as fifth columnists for Zionist Israel !

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