Monday, December 6, 2021

There is no " FAR Left " in the Democratic Party !


Later on today I will check out the Matt Brown homeless camp out in front of the Rhode Island State House.
Does Matt Brown have the solution to the homeless problem ? The " progressive " Democrats never name CAPITALISM as the root cause of the homeless people scandal . Also , I find it strange that even voices in the mainstream news media rarely question " progressive " Democrats like Matt Brown being branded " FAR Left ". From the point of view of uncorrupted democratic socialism not even Bernie Sanders qualifies as " FAR Left ". What kind of socialists, most of whom are at least influenced by Marxist views, never talk about the fundamental rottenness of the capitalist SYSTEM ? Never talk about its EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION of the working class of ALL races and ethnic groups ? Never talk about the evil history of American imperialism ? What kind of socialists never JUST SAY NO to yearly military budgets ? What kind of socialists are eager to say YES to nuclear World War III - if only to defend " OUR special relationship " with Zionist Apartheid Israel ? Clearly the Ukraine's Zionist president wants to turn this country - historically attached to Russia- into a second Israel .
Matt Brown will run for RI governor, with Sen. Mendes as running mate

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