Saturday, December 18, 2021

Why would Donald Trump adopt an anti-Semitic tone with an Israeli journalist ? Nonsense from David North 's ( himself a very " enterprising Jew " ) WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE

 "In a newly-aired interview by Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, would-be fascist dictator Donald Trump went on a rant and articulated a series of anti-semitic tropes including that Jews control the US Congress and media and have “dual loyalty” to both Israel and America. "

But why is Donald Trump so popular in Israel ? Could it be that ZIONIST APARTHEID Israel is racist and fascist and perhaps " OUR democracy " should have no " special relationship " , " eternal friendship " with it . ? For the sectarian Left - which attracts not a few neurotic Jews- it is an idee fixe that fascism virtually begins with anti-Semitism. But it is precisely " liberal " , even WOKE , Jews who are smothering what still passes for " OUR democracy " with THEIR DNC based " identity politics " and THEIR political correctness, and THEIR Critical Race Theory. And is it a self evident BIG LIE that ZIONIST Jews control the mainstream news media in the United States and much of the social media ? Which explains why this democratic socialist ( Radical Ron , Radical Ron's Blog Spot ) has had numerous ANTI-ZIONIST comments REMOVED . The mainstream news media still equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism .
Why would Donald Trump adopt an anti-Semitic tone with an Israeli journalist ?

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