Friday, December 17, 2021

Too many " Marxist " parties today are composed mostly of neurotic, petty bourgeois Jews


People who brand themselves " progressive " , " on the Left " who enjoy mocking traditional religious values - this country USA is still mostly CHRISTIAN -will never constitute the " vanguard " of any SOCIALIST revolution. They join not a few FAILED " Marxist " parties and organizations that long ago degenerated into Stalinist type personality cults. In no country on earth will OFFICIAL ATHEISM be welcomed. That was the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union. Too many " Marxist " parties today are composed mostly of neurotic, petty bourgeois Jews ( always with a soft spot for capitalism and its Money God and Zionism which is the very opposite of socialist internationalism ).
More and more THE VANGUARD PARTY resembles the Church of Scientology with its infallible GREAT LEADER and its small membership of certified ( by the GREAT LEADER ) " Clears " . They invariably have no roots in the working class.
Germany Bible museum puts on play presenting Jesus as transgender, weeks before Christmas

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