Monday, September 27, 2021

Seth Magaziner , candidate for Governor of Rhode Island , still clueless about socialism

 re falsely called " socialists " by the Far Right , by even the mainstream news media. True, a number of headlines inform or alarm the public that SOCIALISM IS BACK ! But in truth most " liberal " Democrats like Seth Magaziner are clueless about the ABCs of SOCIALISM . Real socialists do not have a TAX THE RICH program . The capitalist government will tax the rich . Real socialists call for an END TO CAPITALISM - but without any chaotic and criminal violence. Real socialists argue that the Democratic Party in the USA -indeed the TWO PARTY SYSTEM - in the final analysis, serve the American plutocracy -not the working class of all races and ethnic groups .

Some very nice people are " progressive " Democrats . I was a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders back in 2016. But being NICE is not a program for ending the evils of irrational and reckless capitalism. We need an American Labor Party - like the British Labor Party but more class conscious and more militant.

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