Wednesday, September 15, 2021

DEEP STATE generals should decide on a president's sanity ?


No serious democratic socialist will listen to a debate about who in the military best defends " OUR democracy ". General Millet , call it " The Arrogance of Power ", thinks he is a better judge than any civilian authorities on the mental competence , on the sanity , of President Donald Trump. For decades DEEP STATE military top brass have been advising our elected presidents that " nuclear war is winnable ". That alone makes them every bit as crazy as they imagine Trump to be.
It is naive to think for a moment that the top USA military brass operate officially or socially independent of the country's entrenched plutocracy. How much is decided at elite gatherings in private billionaire mansions ? When does " OUR democracy " ever consult THE PEOPLE on critical foreign policy decisions ?
Do WE THE PEOPLE ever decide just who are our foreign enemies ? Are factory workers, carpenters, plumbers, bus drivers, nurses , teachers, doctors, , electricians , farmers any different in China or Russia or Iran than they are here in the United States ?
Rather than spending trillions of dollars on military goals and projects it would be much more in OUR interests if we simply JUNK THE MILITARY . We can indeed DEFUND the military making it serve ONLY the purpose of national self-defense not the goals of " Imperial America ".
To be sure , nothing is more insane than maintaining nuclear weapons . No greater waste of money than a submarine fleet armed with nuclear weapons . Where are they aimed at elusive " international terrorists " ? Again and again the Pentagon War Crimes Machine ends up killings its very friends and innocent civilians .
We can and should DEFUND the Pentagon War Crimes Machine !
Rand Paul: Gen. Milley should be removed, court-martialed if secret calls to China are confirmed

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