Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hostility to religion has poisoned the socialist movement for more than a century


DNC based identity politics is as vicious and hateful as any words and deeds of the Far Right real or imagined by the " progressive " WOKE Democrats. POOR working class whites are nearly invisible to the mainstream news media. Do they recommend an affirmative action plan for tragedy and crime news reporting ? In general, the mainstream news media panders to all politically correct victims while never applying CRITICAL THINKING to the inherent evils of the capitalist system.
ALL white working class Christians are more or less " deplorables " ? And ,of course, Hillary Clinton recommends a " progressive " subversive agenda ( carried out by gay and super-liberal Catholics ) for malcontents in the Catholic Church. These " Catholic " unfaithful are determined to bring THEIR Church out of the Dark Age into the WOKE Age !
Allied to the WOKE Catholic Church reformers are not so pious New Atheists and Ayn Rand Zionists. Just contrast Rand's " Virtue of Selfishness " with the Gospel of the New Testament , with the Jesus " Sermon on the Mount " .
Sad to say but hostility to the world's great religions has poisoned the socialist movement for more than a century . From its beginning the 1917 Russian communist government declared deeply religious Russia an " officially atheist " state. THAT was their public relations problem not SOCIALIST projects and experiments. FREEDOM for the vast majority is not incompatible with socialism .
And open and crude hostility to religion is why no sectarian Marxist political party, still functional today, will ever lead a mass movement for DEMOCRATIC socialism .
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