Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bernie Sanders has more in common with Irving Howe than Fidel Castro

I give your comment an UP vote because I realize that confirmed socialists -whatever their base of operations - have a lot of EXPLAINING to do . To be sure , the history of SOCIALISM as political movement right here in the United States has succumbed to collective amnesia.
In brief , I think " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders, for decades now, has more in common with the late Irving Howe, author of " World of Our Fathers ". In that book Howe explains the political evolution of numerous New York " radical " Jews.
In his youth Irving Howe was infatuated with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky and thrilled - as were millions of working class people-with the drama of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
That revolution was indeed betrayed as Trotsky said.
Nevertheless the democratic socialism as an ideal survived the nightmare Stalin era.
It also survived the nightmare McCarthyism era in the USA. It continues to defend those very ALL-AMERICAN principles of FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT .
Bernie Sanders has nothing to apologize for - except perhaps endorsing " Corrupt Hillary " in the 2016 presidential election.
I would hope a once again "defeated " Bernie Sanders would advocate for an independent third party in the United States. WE THE PEOPLE need to institutionalize a THREE PARTY SYSTEM in the USA. The new party will resemble the British Labor Party in its CLASS base. Call it the American Labor Party. This has nothing in common with bloody , " revolutionary " chaos- unless the American plutocracy provokes it .
Who does not see that the present Democratic Party is as unstable as a U-235 nucleus ?
I too deplore the lack of civil debate in the United States. FREE SPEECH and FREE THOUGHT must always be respected simply because any group in power or craving power can be mistaken in their ideas and opinions.
To be sure , no individual or political party has a patent on SOCIALISM or the blessing of HISTORY . Belief in a Higher Power , in God , is the perfect anti-dote to fatal hubris.
Good luck to Bernie in Mass. on Super Tuesday !

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