Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ilhan Omar is right about the influence of the Israel lobby

[" I was raised Jewish, so while everyone should be deeply concerned about antisemitism, I know the issue affects me personally. If there's anything I've learned about Judaism, it's that standing up against hate and oppression is about the best thing I can do to honor Jewish history. That's why I, along with many American Jews, support BDS and unapologetically condemn the current government of Israel for its heinous treatment of Palestinians.

J Street, a moderate pro-Israel group that has a Pac that spends a lot of money on politics, is right: we must recognize antisemitic tropes, but "elected officials should also refrain from labeling all criticism of Israeli actions or policies as 'antisemitic,' in a transparent effort to silence legitimate discussion and debate".

Labeling anyone who speaks of Jews and money in the same sentence an antisemite weakens our fight against the real antisemitic, neo-Nazi, and other white nationalist forces that have seen a resurgence in recent years. It also stifles legitimate discussions about the enormous power of special interests, something that threatens our democratic political system. We must speak honestly about the issues Ilhan Omar has raised. In an era of unprecedented corruption in Washington, we can't afford not to. "]

Ilhan Omar is right about the influence of the Israel lobby

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