Thursday, February 27, 2020

How is FOR PROFITABLE capitalism compatible with a livable world ?

" The Founding Fathers penned these words in the Declaration of Independence and laid forth a vision of what America could be. There is hope in these words — hope for a world in which all people have their basic needs met, have the freedom to make their own choices, and have the opportunity to pursue a meaningful life in their own way." 

As an old democratic socialist myself -and a critical " critical supporter " of "socialist Democrat Bernie Sanders I must raise this question : how is any guarantee of economic security compatible with the nightmare world of global capitalism ? 

How is FOR PROFIT capitalism even compatible with a livable world ?

I am very impressed that young people today are not brainlessly turned off by the very idea of SOCIALISM. 

Do they realize how modest is Bernie Sanders " socialism " ? And yet the mainstream news media -his own Democratic party establishment - smears him as some weird old communist Russia loving Bolshevik . Naturally any form of SOCIALISM is anathema to our privileged plutocracy .

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