Monday, February 3, 2020

Why not learn political wisdom from Eugene V. Debs ?

Why not learn political wisdom from Eugene V. Debs ? 

[ " Parties but express in political terms the economic interests of those who compose them. This is the rule. The Republican party represents the capitalist class, the Democratic party the middle class and the Socialist party the working class.
There is no fundamental difference between the Republican and Democratic parties. Their principles are identical. They are both capitalist parties and both stand for the capitalist system, and such differences as there are between them involve no principle but are the outgrowth of the conflicting interests of large and small capitalists.
The Republican and Democratic parties are alike threatened with destruction. Their day of usefulness is past and they among them who see the handwriting on the wall and call themselves "Progressives" and "Insurgents," are struggling in vain to adjust these old parties to the new conditions. "]
What would American socialist Eugene V. Debs think about " socialist " - Zionist - Democrat Bernie Sanders ?

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