Monday, February 10, 2020

Nobody will hear " you're fired " in an economic democracy .

George Orwell was a socialist and even said that " socialism should be obvious " . But his classic novel " 1984 " and his numerous essays show that Orwell was very familiar with " left fanaticism " and various " Trotskyist " intellectual shades of it.

The generic Left today is displaying increasing contempt for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization . Both Chris Hedges of " Truthdig " ( !!! ) and David North and his World Socialist Web Site COLLUDE in censoring ideas and opinions in their own ideological back yards .

Right here are the seeds of future LEFT totalitarianism. Individuals with eyes to notice observe the religious instincts of THE MASSES - the very people whom the Left would lead. But most left wing organizations and sectarian Marxist political parties rot in stagnation - now for 100 years ! - simply because they fail to build any spiritual bridges to the common people .

FANATICS who call for the " dictatorship of the proletariat " are themselves elitists snobs - mostly from the college educated middle class- with haughty attitude toward any really working class individuals who foolishly join these self-appointed VANGUARD parties of the working class.
Today " socialists " outside the Democratic Party( organized in true CULTS ) and inside the Democratic Party( slaves of GROUP THINK ) have a decidedly STALINIST aura about them . Perhaps " Anti-Fa " can unite them . But " Anti-Fa " is most certainly " fascism on the Left".
Only a massive American Labor Party- based on community organizations and churches- can save SOCIALISM as a " Great Idea " - sadly made ugly by the history of the 20th century . An American Labor Party would emphasize economic democracy and not try to ram any " ISM " into the skulls of common people- certainly not this militant , obnoxious New Atheism .
Nothing can revive Stalinism more than disseminating long CLASS ENEMY sh-t lists . Real DEMOCRACY - based on the simple principle of MAJORITY RULE - can overwhelm any ONE PERCENT sabotage .

Even a manic wretch plutocrat like Donald Trump might finally appreciate being unburdened of his family fortune . Perhaps he will be happy just managing a Trump Hotel . Nobody will hear " you're fired " in an economic democracy .

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