Friday, December 28, 2018

Zionist propaganda disguised as lugubrious charity fundraising - for the Ukraine

Just a matter of political common sense : the vast majority of the world's Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims - and many orthodox Jews - are not going to be intimidated by Zionist bullies in Israel or in the USA . Certainly not led into a war to make the world safe for " Greater Israel ".

             The hard core of Zionism consists of fanatical SECULAR Zionists . The militant atheist Ayn Rand is their perfect intellectual voice.

           The notorious Harvey Weinstein recommended to a " friends of Israel " audience that they learn from the Mafia how to stop anti-Semitism.

             There is a better way ! Call it socialist internationalism.

             The famous scientist Oliver Sacks recalls his family being bullied by Zionist fund raisers in the English neighborhood of his youth. You can read about this in " Uncle Tungsten " ( which recalled his romance with old fashioned , highly sensuous " chemistry " of home made experiments ) .

                Zionist propaganda can be quite crude. I watched an infomercial on Christmas Eve which focuses on a few elderly Jewish women living in desperate poverty in the Ukraine -all said to be " Holocaust survivors ". No background information was given explaining the cause of their misery . But implied with waving Israel and American flags is Russian based anti-Semitism . But send this charity fraud $ 40 dollars to get " Ann " through another month of cruel Russian winter.

                I have no idea what THE TRUTH is here ! Was not Russia the arch-foe of Nazi-Germany losing millions in World War II ?
To be sure , Christian Zionism can be dangerously daffy too .
Image result for Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein in the Ukraine
Charity or propaganda ?

Founder and President   

About Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

[ Rabbi Eckstein founded the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) in 1983 and has devoted his life to building bridges of understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews and broad support for the state of Israel. The Fellowship, one of the top 400 nonprofits in America (The Chronicle of Philanthropy), raises over $140 million dollars annually from its 1.6 million Christian donors, making it the largest Christian-supported humanitarian agency helping Israel and the Jewish people around the world. ]

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