Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
" The sudden indignation by the intelligence agencies over the assassination and dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi is just a ploy to paint a phony picture of concern about the victims of a Saudi Regime which has been supported by the US ruling class for more than 50 years. "
News reports have made it clear that Zionist Israel wants Trump to go soft on the Saudi regime. No mainstream " liberal " journalist bothers to explain why racist ," WHITE SUPREMACIST" ," nationalist " Donald Trump is so popular in Apartheid Israel.
Not much difference between the Zionist war mongers in the Republican Party and the Zionist war mongers in the Democratic Party. Or the Zionists ( hardly religious Zionists ) in Israel.
The Senate is now the true voice of " OUR democracy " ?
How is Iran a direct threat to the security of the United States ?
Of course , in general the plutocracy's enemies are not OUR enemies. Their friends are not the friends of the working class in the United States.
I expect the New Atheist- Zionist- imperialists soon to declare that " God is on our side ! " in making the world safe for democracy.
And even the bourgeois feminist # Me-Too gang will be fanatical flag wavers for the next patriotic Great War.
Above all the American ruling class must quickly find some credible EXTERNAL enemy. For a start, I guess, EVIL Russia. The next great savior of capitalism is waiting in the wings. But what soporific, " respectable " Republican can replace strong man Trump as Commander -in-Chief ? Not even the war mongering plutocrats want to be bored. Nor the TV besotted , " middle class " American public.
I don't think I am over-emphasizing belligerent Zionism here as the trigger for nuclear World War III . Perhaps a New York Times column or editorial will clear up my muddled brain with pseudo-left enlightenment.
I think the late Gore Vidal got it right. He was especially wary of Christian Zionists eager for APOCALYPSE NOW.
Comments that are courteous, concise and relevant are always welcome, whether or not they agree with the views expressed here or not. Profanity is not necessary. Thank you for reading “Time Enough At Last!”
I expect the New Atheist- Zionist- imperialists soon to declare that " God is on our side ! " in making the world safe for democracy.
And even the bourgeois feminist # Me-Too gang will be fanatical flag wavers for the next patriotic Great War.
Above all the American ruling class must quickly find some credible EXTERNAL enemy. For a start, I guess, EVIL Russia.
The next great savior of capitalism is waiting in the wings. But what soporific, " respectable " Republican can replace strong man Trump as Commander -in-Chief ? Not even the war mongering plutocrats want to be bored. Nor the TV besotted , " middle class " American public.
I don't think I am over-emphasizing belligerent Zionism here as the trigger for nuclear World War III . Perhaps a New York Times column or editorial will clear up my muddled brain with pseudo-left enlightenment.
I think the late Gore Vidal got it right. He was especially wary of Christian Zionists eager for APOCALYPSE NOW.