Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, December 10, 2018
What about nations X, Y, and Z attempting to influence American elections ?
What about " NATION X ,Y and Z " attempts to influence an American election ? Zionist Apartheid Israel does not try to " influence an American election " ? BIG MONEY everywhere does not attempt to " influence an American election " ? The CIA does not attempt to influence foreign elections ? Recall the assassination of Marxist president Salvador Allende of Chile ? The CIA did not try to influence elections in Russia after the fall of Soviet era " communism " ? Has ANY American presidential campaign not been tainted by Corporate America funding ? What were Ralph Nader's presidential campaigns all about ? So " OUR Democracy " was nearly flawless until it elected Donald Trump president ? Then please explain the big enthusiastic crowds for " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders and " nationalist " Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential campaigns ? Millions of voters were sour on the Establishment and the corruption of " democracy " in the USA . Who really cares about the libertine sex life of Donald Trump or any other capitalist politician ? Do you think these CIA and FBI bureaucrats represent a higher form of morality than the typical bought and sold member of the United States Congress ? LEGITIMATE president Donald Trump should be judged by shameless hypocrites ?
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