Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, December 21, 2018
Like the " Yellow Jackets " of Paris Americans must march in the streets
Tens of millions of working class American should take to the streets -just as the " Yellow Jackets " in Paris - to support whatever is SANE in opposing the bipartisan political Establishment.
At least President Trump is the LEGITIMATE president . Who elected the Pentagon chiefs or the FBI and CIA clowns ?
Give Trump some Brownie points here . How can his BRING TROOPS HOME NOW plan not resonate with what is left of the peace movement in the USA ?
How surreal that " liberal " Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Chuck Schumer sound like John Birch Society goons back in the McCarthy ear.
The American working class is certainly not prepared to sacrifice to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " in the Middle East .
We democratic socialists demand : BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW - from Syria, from Iraq, from Afghanistan - from wherever .
[ And ask Chief Zionist Schumer about Israel's Wall of Shame .]
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