Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Apart from capitalist greed another seldom commented on explanation for the neglect of the mentally ill or just plain " maladjusted " in the United States is the corruption of profession of psychiatry by capitalist ideology.
Rational criticism of the capitalism -which certainly breeds mental illness - plays no role in the patient NOTES of " successful " psychiatrists- like TV's Dr.Phil.
But they and their corrupt psychologist friends advise the CIA and FBI on effective methods of torture ; the state on " quick " ( or not so quick ) executions; big business on profitable LYING radio and TV advertising; industry on how to maximize the exploitation of workers during the work day.
Above all the mentally ill or the neurotic COMPLAINERS are to be prescribed PILLS . Even rather normal kids bored by school are diagnosed with ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER. For which there are more PILLS.
If any news makes kids sad or disturbed there are vacuous and non-religious ( God forbid ! ) grief counselors.
The plain TRUTH about anything -even freak accidents -is avoided. On TV news every tragedy reported is followed by the MIRACLE , the HERO , or the sentimental animal story AND the inevitable Viagra commercial.
And nothing is better for the nation's mental health than daily doses of sick TV or weekly doses of sick -or super-stupid Hollywood movies.
And for sadistic and malicious entertainment : the next sex maniac pervert exposed and unmasked ( by the pure of heart, of course ) .
Not for nothing a book that first turned me on to SOCIALISM as a youth was titled " The Sane Society " by the famous Dr. Erich Fromm.
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