Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, December 31, 2018
Friday, December 28, 2018
Zionist propaganda disguised as lugubrious charity fundraising - for the Ukraine
Just a matter of political common sense : the vast majority of the world's Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims - and many orthodox Jews - are not going to be intimidated by Zionist bullies in Israel or in the USA . Certainly not led into a war to make the world safe for " Greater Israel ".
The hard core of Zionism consists of fanatical SECULAR Zionists . The militant atheist Ayn Rand is their perfect intellectual voice.
The notorious Harvey Weinstein recommended to a " friends of Israel " audience that they learn from the Mafia how to stop anti-Semitism.
There is a better way ! Call it socialist internationalism.
The famous scientist Oliver Sacks recalls his family being bullied by Zionist fund raisers in the English neighborhood of his youth. You can read about this in " Uncle Tungsten " ( which recalled his romance with old fashioned , highly sensuous " chemistry " of home made experiments ) .
Zionist propaganda can be quite crude. I watched an infomercial on Christmas Eve which focuses on a few elderly Jewish women living in desperate poverty in the Ukraine -all said to be " Holocaust survivors ". No background information was given explaining the cause of their misery . But implied with waving Israel and American flags is Russian based anti-Semitism . But send this charity fraud $ 40 dollars to get " Ann " through another month of cruel Russian winter.
I have no idea what THE TRUTH is here ! Was not Russia the arch-foe of Nazi-Germany losing millions in World War II ?
To be sure , Christian Zionism can be dangerously daffy too .
Charity or propaganda ? |
Founder and President
About Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
[ Rabbi Eckstein founded the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) in 1983 and has devoted his life to building bridges of understanding and cooperation between Christians and Jews and broad support for the state of Israel. The Fellowship, one of the top 400 nonprofits in America (The Chronicle of Philanthropy), raises over $140 million dollars annually from its 1.6 million Christian donors, making it the largest Christian-supported humanitarian agency helping Israel and the Jewish people around the world. ]Oscar Wilde and the soul of Kevin Spacey
Actor Kevin Spacey releases defiant video: “It’s never that simple, not in politics and not in life”
Yes, Oscar Wilde's prison torments are very relevant to the tragedy of Kevin Spacey :
[“The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart—hearts are made to be broken—but that it turns one’s heart to stone.”
― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is a poem by Oscar Wilde, written in exile in Berneval-le-Grand, after his release from Reading Gaol (/ˈredɪŋ dʒeɪl/) on 19 May 1897. Wilde had been incarcerated in Reading after being convicted of homosexual offences in 1895 and sentenced to two years' hard labour in prison. ] "
I also recall Oscar Wilde's " The Soul of Man Under Socialism ".
A very subversive gay man in his time !
[“The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart—hearts are made to be broken—but that it turns one’s heart to stone.”
― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is a poem by Oscar Wilde, written in exile in Berneval-le-Grand, after his release from Reading Gaol (/ˈredɪŋ dʒeɪl/) on 19 May 1897. Wilde had been incarcerated in Reading after being convicted of homosexual offences in 1895 and sentenced to two years' hard labour in prison. ] "
I also recall Oscar Wilde's " The Soul of Man Under Socialism ".
A very subversive gay man in his time !
![]() |
A very subversive gay man |
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Will making the world safe for plutocracy arouse war fever in working class America ?
Trump stages visit to Iraq amid mounting crisis over Syria troop withdrawal
It would make perfect sense to remove thousands of U.S troops from areas "most people haven’t even heard about " if American imperialism is planning a more cheaper future use of updated nuclear weapons OVER THERE ?
The top military leaders of the United States ( not just Trump ) think that nuclear war is " winnable " . They are not less stupid than the German and French generals who gave us the " Horror of Verdun " more than a century ago.
Will making the world safe for Trump or Hillary plutocrats arouse war fever in the masses of working class Americans ?
The top military leaders of the United States ( not just Trump ) think that nuclear war is " winnable " . They are not less stupid than the German and French generals who gave us the " Horror of Verdun " more than a century ago.
Will making the world safe for Trump or Hillary plutocrats arouse war fever in the masses of working class Americans ?
Feb 3, 2018 - An activist with a mask of Kim Jong-un, and another with a mask of President Donald Trump,... ]
Is Moscow more skilled at FAKE NEWS than the New York Times and its affiliated Israel lobby ?
The 2018 Midterms Weren't Hacked. What Does That Mean For 2020?
" But an operation like the one Russia waged two years ago? " .Again more of the same DNC based HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism . What does " hacked " mean in the context of " OUR democracy " ? A foreign nation was trying and succeeding in changing election results here ?
Why would any country with sophisticated INTELLIGENCE think that there was more to be gained from Republicans than Democrats ?
Is Moscow more skilled at FAKE NEWS and propaganda than the New York TIMES and its affiliated Israel lobby ?
Why would any country with sophisticated INTELLIGENCE think that there was more to be gained from Republicans than Democrats ?
Is Moscow more skilled at FAKE NEWS and propaganda than the New York TIMES and its affiliated Israel lobby ?
From THE CLOUD - a new vision for dreary Kennedy Plaza
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2018 at 09:54
Subject: A vision for Making Kennedy Plaza great again
To: letters < >
Subject: A vision for Making Kennedy Plaza great again
To: letters <
For years now this RIPTA rider has found waiting for a bus in Kennedy Plaza only slightly less depressing than riding a bus through the city of Pawtucket to the Slater Mill area where the still bleak rushing waterfall reminds me of the cheerless beginning of American capitalism during the Industrial Revolution .
Anyway , shivering in Kennedy Plaza waiting for Bus 21 ( a trip to Harrington Hall for numerous " under-privileged " others ) I had this decidedly " constructive " thought : " If you build it , THEY will come ". Build what ? All that useless,
windy, empty walking space in the middle of Kennedy Plaza- what it needs is a real COMFORT area for RIPTA regulars .
Why not a nice, unpretentious BAR & Cheap Meal there, not quite an upscale Foxy Lady ? And why not a medical marijuana COMPASSION CENTER there with GUESTS and VISITORS WELCOME sign ? Also, spacious and clean PUBLIC REST ROOM ?
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Keven Spacey victim of " Sexual McCarthyism " ?
Kevin Spacey Faces Charge In Sexual Assault Of Teenager
I suspect brilliant actor Kevin Spacey and many other famous and talented males might just be more victim than sex-predator monster. Nobody should have a career or a life ruined by dubious allegations that become instant, front page -quite possibly FAKE- NEWS.
I just read disturbing stories about the late great popular science and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Perhaps this self-confessed " dirty old man " was quite good natured innocuous.
Let the self-seeking sexual neurotics keep detailed notes on ALL incidents of " good touching " and " bad touching " when neither victim nor abuser were under the influence of drugs or alcohol .
But even the GUILTY males are not more repulsive than this new " Sexual McCarthyism " brought to you by the same people who sponsor the HATE RUSSIA new political McCarthyism- the now very ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats !
In general, old and middle aged WHITE MALES are the new social pariahs ? The Orwellian Anti-Sex League of " 1984 " is a real suppressive force in the USA TODAY of 2018 .
Treasure that " reasonable doubt " and " innocent until PROVEN guilty ".
[ The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1904) ( and Wilde's long letter to his lover " De Profundis ")
“The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart—hearts are made to be broken—but that it turns one’s heart to stone.”
― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is a poem by Oscar Wilde, written in exile in Berneval-le-Grand, after his release from Reading Gaol (/ˈredɪŋ dʒeɪl/) on 19 May 1897. Wilde had been incarcerated in Reading after being convicted of homosexual offences in 1895 and sentenced to two years' hard labour in prison. ]
I just read disturbing stories about the late great popular science and science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. Perhaps this self-confessed " dirty old man " was quite good natured innocuous.
Let the self-seeking sexual neurotics keep detailed notes on ALL incidents of " good touching " and " bad touching " when neither victim nor abuser were under the influence of drugs or alcohol .
But even the GUILTY males are not more repulsive than this new " Sexual McCarthyism " brought to you by the same people who sponsor the HATE RUSSIA new political McCarthyism- the now very ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats !
In general, old and middle aged WHITE MALES are the new social pariahs ? The Orwellian Anti-Sex League of " 1984 " is a real suppressive force in the USA TODAY of 2018 .
Treasure that " reasonable doubt " and " innocent until PROVEN guilty ".
[ The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1904) ( and Wilde's long letter to his lover " De Profundis ")
“The most terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one’s heart—hearts are made to be broken—but that it turns one’s heart to stone.”
― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
The Ballad of Reading Gaol is a poem by Oscar Wilde, written in exile in Berneval-le-Grand, after his release from Reading Gaol (/ˈredɪŋ dʒeɪl/) on 19 May 1897. Wilde had been incarcerated in Reading after being convicted of homosexual offences in 1895 and sentenced to two years' hard labour in prison. ]
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Democrats taking money from Israel Lobby should register as " agents of a foreign power "
Trump Warns Of 'Very Long' Shutdown Unless Senate Approves Border Wall Funds
Why should not every " friend of Israel " in Congress and in the Senate-taking money from the Israel lobby- not register as an "agent of a foreign power " ? To be sure , working class America never voted on any " special relationship " with Apartheid Israel.
Just WHO is behind the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ?
How weird for " liberal " Democrats to start sounding like McCarthy era John Birch Society thugs.
Just WHO is behind the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism ?
How weird for " liberal " Democrats to start sounding like McCarthy era John Birch Society thugs.
Coming soon to America -a real " Seven Days in May " drama ?
The resignation of General Mattis and America’s crisis of class rule
" The Democrats and the media are openly appealing to the military and the intelligence agencies to act against Trump. NBC news Friday stated that US military commanders were “outraged” by Trump’s decisions... "
A " Seven Days in May " scenario in the making ? An old friend of mine who absolutely loathes President Donald Trump ( he would have voted for Hillary if his personal life was not so down-and-out ) said to me yesterday that he was puzzled by all the " liberal " Democrats furious with Trump for FINALLY doing something right : troop withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan after years of stupid and endless war .
Yes, the " liberal " Democrats do sound like McCarthy era John Birch Society thugs. Yes, of course, Eisenhower was a communist . And Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin and evil Russia.
A " Seven Days in May " scenario in the making ? An old friend of mine who absolutely loathes President Donald Trump ( he would have voted for Hillary if his personal life was not so down-and-out ) said to me yesterday that he was puzzled by all the " liberal " Democrats furious with Trump for FINALLY doing something right : troop withdrawals from Syria and Afghanistan after years of stupid and endless war .
Yes, the " liberal " Democrats do sound like McCarthy era John Birch Society thugs. Yes, of course, Eisenhower was a communist . And Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin and evil Russia.
Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline - whose political capital is based on being openly gay and proudly " half Jewish " ( he is solicitous for our " special relationship " with Israel ) - says that Trump has given a grand Christmas present to Russia's Putin. Cicilline is in the vanguard of the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism- he and Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed.
It does all boil down to CLASS loyalties : THEIR friends are not our friends. THEIR enemies are not our enemies.
We should copy the rebellious French in Paris . Soon there will be a " Yellow Vest " boom in the USA.
It does all boil down to CLASS loyalties : THEIR friends are not our friends. THEIR enemies are not our enemies.
We should copy the rebellious French in Paris . Soon there will be a " Yellow Vest " boom in the USA.
Dec 8, 2017 - David Cicilline for his support and signing of the Taylor Force Act. This bill has been critical to Israel and the Jewish community. By stopping ...]
Friday, December 21, 2018
Radical Ron would not even tell obnoxious right winger David Horowitz to SHUT UP !
Lawmakers Sound Bipartisan Alarm After Resignation By Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
Democratic socialists point out again and again that the " liberal " Democrats loyally serve the plutocracy and the military industrial complex -with slightly different managerial skills than the Republicans . I don't tell any political opponents to SHUT UP . That is a very LIBERAL habit lately in the USA ( I would not even tell one right winger named David Horowitz to SHUT UP . Now and then he makes some interesting and valid points about LIBERALS ) .
Is it PROGRESSIVE for " liberal " Democrats to sound like John Birch Society thugs of the McCarthy era ? Only sociopaths can have so many foreign " enemies " !
It does seem that the still numerous supporters of President Trump are closer to the American Constitution -as written - than the herd of " progressive " Democrats always losing more " friends " among the American working class voters.
Is it PROGRESSIVE for " liberal " Democrats to sound like John Birch Society thugs of the McCarthy era ? Only sociopaths can have so many foreign " enemies " !
It does seem that the still numerous supporters of President Trump are closer to the American Constitution -as written - than the herd of " progressive " Democrats always losing more " friends " among the American working class voters.
The " new democracy " leaves out the hoi polloi REST OF US !
Behind the epidemic of police killings in America: Class, poverty and race
" Identity politics " has nefarious roots in All -American " think tanks " dedicated to preserving the capitalist way of life. " Identity politics " is clearly a form of psychological CLASS warfare against ordinary working people. If they have you hugging some ethno-centric, racial , or just plain exotic assigned ( by THEM ) IDENTITY , your CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS is effectively snuffed out.
They do this even with TALENT . If you get noticed for some special talent or aptitude , you are in danger of becoming a rather supercilious prima donna ( of whatever sex ! ) .
They do it with effete IQ testing. If you're so smart, you belong in MENSA not any SOCIALIST group ! ( Biologist Stephen J. Gould , influenced by Marxism ) wrote about this IQ scandal )
And I am amused by slick magazine covers that bring attention to problem of females being BOTH beautiful and intelligent.
It seems that even the ONE PERCENT rich people need the protection of gated communities from the vulgar jealous mob.
Implied in all " identity politics " is this villain : the " ignorant " and always " bigoted " in every which way white working class .
The new " democracy " is all about protecting the fragile egos of VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE.
Not all about the hoi polloi REST OF US !
They do this even with TALENT . If you get noticed for some special talent or aptitude , you are in danger of becoming a rather supercilious prima donna ( of whatever sex ! ) .
They do it with effete IQ testing. If you're so smart, you belong in MENSA not any SOCIALIST group ! ( Biologist Stephen J. Gould , influenced by Marxism ) wrote about this IQ scandal )
And I am amused by slick magazine covers that bring attention to problem of females being BOTH beautiful and intelligent.
It seems that even the ONE PERCENT rich people need the protection of gated communities from the vulgar jealous mob.
Implied in all " identity politics " is this villain : the " ignorant " and always " bigoted " in every which way white working class .
The new " democracy " is all about protecting the fragile egos of VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE.
Not all about the hoi polloi REST OF US !
Well, WHY do they hate us ?
US steps up offensive against China with more “hacking charges”
ANY rational person would think : a nation like USA TODAY which can name a different ENEMY every other week is clearly SICK, led by sociopaths. China ? Russia, Iran, North Korea ? Venezuela ? ( all fail to live up to the high moral standards of " OUR democracy " ?)
How are any of these countries a greater threat to YOU than the local Democratic or Republican party hacks ?
If YOU think that so many people hate you , would it not make sense to ask if there is perhaps something wrong with YOU ?
How are any of these countries a greater threat to YOU than the local Democratic or Republican party hacks ?
If YOU think that so many people hate you , would it not make sense to ask if there is perhaps something wrong with YOU ?
Like the " Yellow Jackets " of Paris Americans must march in the streets
Lawmakers Sound Bipartisan Alarm After Resignation By Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
Tens of millions of working class American should take to the streets -just as the " Yellow Jackets " in Paris - to support whatever is SANE in opposing the bipartisan political Establishment.
At least President Trump is the LEGITIMATE president . Who elected the Pentagon chiefs or the FBI and CIA clowns ?
At least President Trump is the LEGITIMATE president . Who elected the Pentagon chiefs or the FBI and CIA clowns ?
Give Trump some Brownie points here . How can his BRING TROOPS HOME NOW plan not resonate with what is left of the peace movement in the USA ?
How surreal that " liberal " Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Chuck Schumer sound like John Birch Society goons back in the McCarthy ear.
The American working class is certainly not prepared to sacrifice to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " in the Middle East .
We democratic socialists demand : BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW - from Syria, from Iraq, from Afghanistan - from wherever .
[ And ask Chief Zionist Schumer about Israel's Wall of Shame .]
How surreal that " liberal " Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Chuck Schumer sound like John Birch Society goons back in the McCarthy ear.
The American working class is certainly not prepared to sacrifice to make the world safe for " Greater Israel " in the Middle East .
We democratic socialists demand : BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW - from Syria, from Iraq, from Afghanistan - from wherever .
[ And ask Chief Zionist Schumer about Israel's Wall of Shame .]
" Liberal " Democrats now sound like John Birch Society goons of the McCarthy era
Defense Secretary Mattis resigns amid Washington backlash over Syria troop withdrawal
What the American imperialists leave out of their war calculations is quite simply the American working class. Any honest referendum ( and why not ask the troops OVER THERE too ? ) will show that working people are not enthusiastic about sacrificing their children or themselves for nuclear World War III , for the New Colonialism serving" Greater Israel " in the Middle East, in short in making the world safe for plutocrats.
The military leaders of the United States today are not less stupid and criminal than the German and French generals who gave the FREE WORLD the " Horror of Verdun " a century ago .
And how surreal to hear " liberal " Democrats talk like John Birch Society goons back in the McCarthy era : Eisenhower was a communist ? And Trump is puppet of evil Russia's Vladimir Putin ?
How can Trump's plan to BRING TROOPS HOME NOW not resonate with whatever is left of the peace movement in the United States ?
Let this miserable BIPARTISAN political Establishment collapse.
[ A SAVIOR waiting in the wings ? NPR likens Senator Elizabeth Warren to virtuous President Harry Truman ( of Hiroshima and Nagasaki fame ) .
The military leaders of the United States today are not less stupid and criminal than the German and French generals who gave the FREE WORLD the " Horror of Verdun " a century ago .
And how surreal to hear " liberal " Democrats talk like John Birch Society goons back in the McCarthy era : Eisenhower was a communist ? And Trump is puppet of evil Russia's Vladimir Putin ?
How can Trump's plan to BRING TROOPS HOME NOW not resonate with whatever is left of the peace movement in the United States ?
Let this miserable BIPARTISAN political Establishment collapse.
[ A SAVIOR waiting in the wings ? NPR likens Senator Elizabeth Warren to virtuous President Harry Truman ( of Hiroshima and Nagasaki fame ) .
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Democracy still means MAJORITY RULE !
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site
Columbia College faculty union convenes secret tribunal to discipline members
[ Part-time faculty have rightly raised the concern that the union is leading a witch-hunt against those who would dare question its leadership, with Jennie Fauls writing in the Columbia Chronicle, “The Integrity Committee might as well have posted their decree in the Salem, Massachusetts, town square in the late 17th century.” ]
Few " liberal " souls have dared to notice that the core concept of " democracy " - MAJORITY RULE - has been under attack on the so called Left and on the so called Right for decades now.
Reading belligerent " identity politics " soap operas you might think that " democracy " is all about protecting assorted vulnerable minorities from the vicious and ignorant majority ( often insinuated as white working class " deplorables " ) .
The false intellectual voices of decaying capitalism must focus on anything but the proverbial elephant- in- the- room : the blatant injustice of CLASS society.
Corrupt union leaders would prefer that THEIR members not have an independent , rebellious thought in their heads. " Education " for the union members should be education in obedience and docility.
Every election day they will exhort " loyal " union members to go out and save " OUR democracy " by voting for this or that crooked Democrat. And often they do just that .
Few " liberal " souls have dared to notice that the core concept of " democracy " - MAJORITY RULE - has been under attack on the so called Left and on the so called Right for decades now.
Reading belligerent " identity politics " soap operas you might think that " democracy " is all about protecting assorted vulnerable minorities from the vicious and ignorant majority ( often insinuated as white working class " deplorables " ) .
The false intellectual voices of decaying capitalism must focus on anything but the proverbial elephant- in- the- room : the blatant injustice of CLASS society.
Corrupt union leaders would prefer that THEIR members not have an independent , rebellious thought in their heads. " Education " for the union members should be education in obedience and docility.
Every election day they will exhort " loyal " union members to go out and save " OUR democracy " by voting for this or that crooked Democrat. And often they do just that .
In Syria which " friends " are we abandoning ?
New York Times: Back to the good days before Edward Snowden!
If you are a working class voter in the United States - " patriotic " in the best humanist, biophilous sense of the word, you will ask: what can Russian " propaganda " tell me what I don't already know about the riddle " OUR democracy " ?
To be sure the " liberal " Democrats lead the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism hysteria. In Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline was reported on local radio saying that President Trump's planned withdrawal of American troops from Syria is " Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin " .
Of course, the only reason U.S troops are stationed anywhere on the planet is a sentimental solicitude for " OUR allies " and the spread of " OUR democracy " to all nations. Shame on any rotten pacifists or socialist internationalists who say it is all about American imperialism.
In Syria just which " friends " are WE abandoning ? The Kurds or poor, helpless Israel ?
How heartless to deprive the world of " OUR democracy " !
To be sure the " liberal " Democrats lead the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism hysteria. In Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline was reported on local radio saying that President Trump's planned withdrawal of American troops from Syria is " Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin " .
Of course, the only reason U.S troops are stationed anywhere on the planet is a sentimental solicitude for " OUR allies " and the spread of " OUR democracy " to all nations. Shame on any rotten pacifists or socialist internationalists who say it is all about American imperialism.
In Syria just which " friends " are WE abandoning ? The Kurds or poor, helpless Israel ?
How heartless to deprive the world of " OUR democracy " !
[ 18 hours ago - “President Trump just gave Vladimir Putin two big Christmas gifts. Withdrawing American forces from Syria in such a hasty fashion is an ... ]
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
CLASS privilege behind most feminist " # MeToo " complaints
Actor Geoffrey Rush accused of new allegations of “inappropriate” behaviour
Numerous -and excellent- NATURE documentary films show how the mating game of ALL life forms is a complex and fascinating ( for us advanced monkeys ) ritual . Hardly anything quite like criminal " rape " among humans is the norm in the natural world.
Working class males - here not much different from upper class males - just don't have the sexual opportunities permitted by economic privilege. And money and power can be an aphrodisiac, as Henry Kissinger said.
Working class males - here not much different from upper class males - just don't have the sexual opportunities permitted by economic privilege. And money and power can be an aphrodisiac, as Henry Kissinger said.
Take away CLASS privilege and everything valid about # Me-Too complaints will quickly fade away.
Senator Elizabeth Warren embraces the HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism
The Latest Sign Elizabeth Warren Is Running For President? Her Foreign Policy
"Actually, and to no one’s surprise, Warren's foreign policy is more sensible than Donald Trump's. What might startle people on the right and left is that she favors a more robust U.S. global role than her progressivism could lead them to believe. "
It is no surprise to the working class Left that Senator Elizabeth Warren has put herself into the vanguard of the DNC based HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism .
It is no surprise that so many phony " progressive " Democrats are now slobbering over the CIA , the FBI , the Pentagon war machine.
These Democrats are completely out of touch with the American working class !
" Private Property " rights at the root of the homeless problem
Rising homelessness: The reality of life for workers in a “booming” US economy
Now and then local newspapers print a perfunctory article on the plight of homeless people. They want you to think that big hearted community " leaders " and , above all, LIBERAL Democrats, were working hard on THE PROBLEM . Ever since the beginning of the Reagan era !
A while back the reader was invited to COMMENT. I would often say that the root of THE PROBLEM was capitalist private property rights.
A while back : COMMENTS are now unwelcome and stopped.
But readers are still invited to " Join the Conversation " on the OP-ED page.
Do you want a humorless USA ?
The ignorant, repressive attack on Frank Loesser’s “Baby, It’s Cold Outside
I smiled when I read the title of the above article by David Walsh. Is it mentally healthy for us to become a humorless people always listening with a tin ear for any perceived racial , ethnic, or sexist insult ?
I recall Orwell's hero Winston Smith in " 1984 " thinking that humanity can be saved from tyranny only by its sharpened ANIMAL instincts. And visions of hot sex in the " golden country " of his dreams.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Foolish federal judge talks " treason " at General Michael Flynn
Discussion on WBUR 1 comments
Federal Judge Delays Michael Flynn Sentencing In Case Of Lying To Feds
General Michael Flynn was the first victim of the DNC based HATE RUSSIA , New McCarthyism . A foolish looking and sounding federal judge has the nerve to raise the question of " treason " when no state of war has been declared against post-communist Russia.
No corrupt legion of YOUR HONORS will convince the American working class that Russia stole the 2016 presidential election.
What could Russia " propaganda " suggest against " Corrupt Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary " that was not self-evident to disillusioned voters in those Rust Belt states ?
The working class Left shouts : " FREE GENERAL FLYNN ! "
Why right wing David Horowitz attacked left-wing Howard Zinn
An excerpt from a World Socialist Web Site 2010 obituary tribute to Howard Zinn, author of " A People's History of the United States " ( by Tom Eley ) :
" People’s History grew out of, and in turn contributed to, a growing skepticism of the democratic pretensions of the American ruling class—particularly among the youth. These characteristics of Zinn’s work earned him the hatred of those who wish to see college and high school curriculum more tightly controlled; after Zinn’s death, right-wing ex-radicals David Horowitz and Ronald Radosh penned columns attacking him for exposing truths about the US government to a mass audience ".
I read that presently David Horowitz is glorifying President Donald Trump in his latest " kick-liberal-ass " book.
The Tom Eley article on Howard Zinn was fair minded and excellent.
The Tom Eley article on Howard Zinn was fair minded and excellent.
General Michael's Flynn's ordeal shows how much Imperial USA needs an " evil " enemy
"With the fall of the Soviet Union the Capitalists were in a position to further advance their cause which they did brutally and without mercy "
And they got moral support from not a few ( I guess ) ex-Stalinists. I recall reading one David Horowitz's book :" The Destructive Generation " - a bitter denunciation of his own past.
Never being devoted to Stalinism, I thought that Horowitz and hundreds like him were spitting in public on the very IDEA and IDEAL of socialism. To be sure , the Trotskyists do not have the blood of the Stalinist counter-revolution on their hands.
The last time I checked David Horowitz had evolved into a far right belligerent Zionist interviewed on many radio and TV programs.
At last he found found true freedom in Apartheid Israel- not quite a " workers' paradise ".
In order to survive what else can the world plutocracy do but play divide and conquer games ?
Today the sentencing of the " treasonous " American general, Michael Flynn, will tell us how much Imperial America needs an " evil " enemy.
In a universe where everything changes only the military and the police are forever ?
True believer , David Horowitz
And they got moral support from not a few ( I guess ) ex-Stalinists. I recall reading one David Horowitz's book :" The Destructive Generation " - a bitter denunciation of his own past.
Never being devoted to Stalinism, I thought that Horowitz and hundreds like him were spitting in public on the very IDEA and IDEAL of socialism. To be sure , the Trotskyists do not have the blood of the Stalinist counter-revolution on their hands.
The last time I checked David Horowitz had evolved into a far right belligerent Zionist interviewed on many radio and TV programs.
The Captive Mind of Trump True Believer David Horowitz
Feb 25, 2017 - My old friend David Horowitz is having another moment in the sun. ... New York Jews whose parents were part of the old, pro-Soviet left who'd found ... of the “ second thoughts” movement of ex-leftists turned conservative and I ...]
At last he found found true freedom in Apartheid Israel- not quite a " workers' paradise ".
In order to survive what else can the world plutocracy do but play divide and conquer games ?
Today the sentencing of the " treasonous " American general, Michael Flynn, will tell us how much Imperial America needs an " evil " enemy.
In a universe where everything changes only the military and the police are forever ?
![]() |
True believer , David Horowitz
Monday, December 17, 2018
Corrupt capitalist controlled " science " - a god that failed
" New Scientist, which claims to be an objective, scientific publication …. "
Indeed the capitalist ruling classes of the Europe and the United States have cultivated the most servile, intellectually dishonest " intellectual class " in human history.
Interviewed on radio or TV most voices of SCIENCE connected to the political establishment sound about as phony as an early morning Sunday TV infomercial . Not the scientific method but SCIENCE as a human institution - controlled by the capitalist ruling class - can indeed be corrupted. How often today is the VOICE OF SCIENCE the voice of a quack ? Just listen to the presently disgraced ( ? ) Neil DeGrasse Tyson recommend his SCIENCE to the military industrial complex , to the murderous war machine- even astrophysics can bring more wealth and power to the American plutocracy.
Perhaps the Yellow Jacket scare will inspire bourgeois psychiatry to recommend a new tranquilizing pill.
And what the latest technology can do for the ALL AMERICAN POLICE STATE !
" ' The Revolution ' must be put to sleep ! "
It is foolish for socialists to worship THEIR science- a god that failed.
In no way do WE working class Americans have " a special relationship " with Zionist Israel
Israel's Netanyahu Embraces European Leaders With Controversial Views On Holocaust
It is painfully clear that Apartheid Zionist Israel has been a corrupting force on the Jewish people. Trump is very popular in Israel. Like South African whites, the Jews of Israel are more than flirting with WHITE SUPREMACY values in their rapacious settlements - so insulting to the Palestinians .
Every real " democrat " knows that the very idea of a JEWISH state is incompatible even with bourgeois democracy.
In no way does the America working class agree that WE have " a special relationship with Israel ". The present day Israel is not less odious to democratic socialists than bloody barbaric Saudi Arabia.
And yet find a " liberal " Democrat who does not grovel before the Israel lobby ? Hillary Clinton was their favorite in 2016 presidential election. They are the driving force behind the Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation.
But they will find it difficult to lead a mostly Christian nation into suicidal nuclear World War III . To die making the world safe for Greater Israel ?
The mainstream FAKE NEWS media makes sure that anti-Zionist Jews are invisible, their voice muzzled.
Every real " democrat " knows that the very idea of a JEWISH state is incompatible even with bourgeois democracy.
In no way does the America working class agree that WE have " a special relationship with Israel ". The present day Israel is not less odious to democratic socialists than bloody barbaric Saudi Arabia.
And yet find a " liberal " Democrat who does not grovel before the Israel lobby ? Hillary Clinton was their favorite in 2016 presidential election. They are the driving force behind the Kafkaesque Mueller Russia investigation.
But they will find it difficult to lead a mostly Christian nation into suicidal nuclear World War III . To die making the world safe for Greater Israel ?
The mainstream FAKE NEWS media makes sure that anti-Zionist Jews are invisible, their voice muzzled.
Israel's Netanyahu Embraces European Leaders With Controversial Views On Holocaust
It is painfully clear that Apartheid Zionist Israel has been a corrupting force on the Jewish people. Trump is very popular in Israel. Like South African whites, the Jews of Israel are more than flirting with WHITE SUPREMACY values in their rapacious settlements - so insulting to the Palestinians .
Every real " democrat " knows that the very idea of a JEWISH state is incompatible even with bourgeois democracy.
In no way does the America working class agree that WE have " a special relationship with Israel ". The present day Israel is not less odious to democratic socialists than bloody barbaric Saudi Arabia.
Every real " democrat " knows that the very idea of a JEWISH state is incompatible even with bourgeois democracy.
In no way does the America working class agree that WE have " a special relationship with Israel ". The present day Israel is not less odious to democratic socialists than bloody barbaric Saudi Arabia.
A " Yellow Vest " Christmas gift for kids in France ?
Fifth French “yellow vest” protest opposes Macron government
I spent an hour yesterday listening to these French " yellow vest " protesters on You Tube clips.. This is clearly a profound crisis of French capitalist society, the most dramatic since 1968.
" We’re here because we have absolutely had enough of this government, we want it to quit and we want power to go to the people.”
Revolutions begin in the hearts of the oppressed. Display tables of Marxist literature can help - offering the collective class conscious wisdom of past and present socialist working class parties and organizations.
Above all, the French working class and the ruined French middle class must not be misled by the traitorous pseudo-Left.
The revolutionary spirit evident in the famous streets of Paris will spread to other European countries and even to the United States.
Only fools here will associate HOPE for the future with Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer- now all neo-con war mongers and pillars of Apartheid Israel( no problem with that Zionist WALL ) and promoters of the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
" Identity politics " will not power a Blue Wave in 2020. And they are incapable of principled CLASS STRUGGLE politics.
And yet the word we hear weirdly associated with " liberal " Democrats on right wing radio is the most frightening one to plutocrats : SOCIALISM.
A little confusion here perhaps : while, of course, SOCIALISM " can't work " CAPITALISM doesn't work for the vast majority of working class people.
The real socialists must tell the whole world that this tiny arrogant minority has no right to own the world, that there is something very morally illegitimate about " legitimate " wealth, and this whole system of private property and production for profit.
Once the glitter, the divine aura, wears off the plutocrats , they will know that the only " protection " they have is their beloved POLICE .
Presently in Rhode Island they are dressing up " Officer Friendly " as Santa Claus handing out presents to " underprivileged "kids .
" We’re here because we have absolutely had enough of this government, we want it to quit and we want power to go to the people.”
Revolutions begin in the hearts of the oppressed. Display tables of Marxist literature can help - offering the collective class conscious wisdom of past and present socialist working class parties and organizations.
Above all, the French working class and the ruined French middle class must not be misled by the traitorous pseudo-Left.
The revolutionary spirit evident in the famous streets of Paris will spread to other European countries and even to the United States.
Only fools here will associate HOPE for the future with Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer- now all neo-con war mongers and pillars of Apartheid Israel( no problem with that Zionist WALL ) and promoters of the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
" Identity politics " will not power a Blue Wave in 2020. And they are incapable of principled CLASS STRUGGLE politics.
And yet the word we hear weirdly associated with " liberal " Democrats on right wing radio is the most frightening one to plutocrats : SOCIALISM.
A little confusion here perhaps : while, of course, SOCIALISM " can't work " CAPITALISM doesn't work for the vast majority of working class people.
The real socialists must tell the whole world that this tiny arrogant minority has no right to own the world, that there is something very morally illegitimate about " legitimate " wealth, and this whole system of private property and production for profit.
Once the glitter, the divine aura, wears off the plutocrats , they will know that the only " protection " they have is their beloved POLICE .
Presently in Rhode Island they are dressing up " Officer Friendly " as Santa Claus handing out presents to " underprivileged "kids .
In France they are probably handing them out yellow vests for Christmas presents
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