Thursday, May 9, 2024

Israel outraged with Biden over weapons threat, says 'Hamas loves Biden'...

From the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE this morning : [ " The launch of Israel’s long-planned assault on Rafah, the last unoccupied part of the Gaza Strip, has created a humanitarian catastrophe, displacing tens of thousands of Palestinians and threatening the entire population with starvation. "] Zionist APARTHEID Israel -together forever with American imperialism in crimes against humanity - has made itself the most hated country on the planet -a very strange way to assure " NEVER AGAIN ! " . Are young working class CHRISTIANS in " OUR Democracy " flocking to military recruiting stations to fight along with the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel , the warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? It does look like World War III will be cancelled due to " nobody showing up " ! Our American Secretary of State , Antony Blinken , whatever coy game he is playing now with Netanyahu , is himself following in the footsteps of former American Secretary of State , the ZIONIST Jew war criminal Henry Kissinger. No doubt Blinken has the full support of Democrat Senate leader Chuck Schumer who said a while back that he wants to be Israel's " guardian angel ". The mainstream news media in the United States - led by the New York Times - continues to smear the SOLIDARITY WITH GAZA ENCAMPMENTS , which have the passionate support of college and university students around the country . How is protesting genocide in Gaza anti-Semitic ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I recall the drama of the GENERAL STUDENT STRIKE of 1970 protesting Nixon's invasion of Cambodia and the Kent State massacre. I am sure that most of my " Tumultuous Sixties " generation completely support today's students protesting Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine. There has been relentless CENSORSHIP of anti-war , anti-Zionism American public opinion in " OUR democracy ". We seem to have talented and experienced HATERS censoring " hate speech " . Ordinary working class people in all countries have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED . No puzzle why BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies in the United States feature Palestinian flag waving. And more to come !

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