Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Hateful blogger ?

It seems that "Ridiculous Ron " is a world class hater! 
It seems that "Ridiculous Ron " is a world class hater! But is it not ironic that belligerent ZIONIST Jews presently defending genocide in Gaza Palestine get to decide and CENSOR what constitutes HATE SPEECH in " OUR democracy " ? The very pillars of WOKE ideology -so odious to working class CHRISTIANS - are secular ZIONIST Jews in an unholy alliance with the obnoxious New Atheists and WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Ivy League schools. For decades now these WOKE WARRIOR secular ZIONIST Jews have afflicted a reign of ideological terror on working class CHRISTIAN Americans in " OUR democracy " . And it does seem that very peculiar secular ZIONIST Jew " science " ( as in gender " rainbow " studies ) has penetrated higher education in " OUR democracy ". Nothing soundly WOKE about the FREE THOUGHT , FREE SPEECH tradition of Western Civilization ?

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