Thursday, May 9, 2024

How The Left Turned On The Jews

If you read American socialist writer Irving Howe's book " World of Our Fathers " , you will get a vivid picture of just how many intellectual and working class Jews for a good part of the 20th century gravitated toward socialist-communist political movements. In the past few decades it is not that the LEFT for mysterious reasons has turned anti-Semitic but that formerly LEFT leaning Jews have been corrupted by reactionary ZIONISM. The very idea of an ethnocentric state ( like APARTHEID Israel ) is a mockery even of bourgeois democracy. Was not the NAZI idea based on love of " blood and soil " ? ZIONIST Israel has corrupted the once sensitive and cosmopolitan Jewish social conscience. For example , here in the United States the once Trotskyist Socialist Workers for decades was firmly opposed to Zionism. A while back this now much decayed party suddenly embraced Zionism . Ironically, the very archives of their newspaper still named " The Militant " contradict its crackpot sectarian politics today. I read back in 1970 they were exposing the FASCIST Jewish Defense League! For them in 2024 the issue is NOT genocide in Gaza, Palestine but growing anti-Semitism in the United States. With Zionist APARTHEID Israel making itself the most hated country on the planet , of course, there will be more perceived " anti-Semitic incidents ". In no way can SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM today reconcile itself with RACIST Zionism. In fact ,years ago the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism . By the way, Marxist historical materialism cannot explain the tragedy of the Jews ? Or is " Jew hatred " some weird virus in the brains of non-Jews- especially Christians - for some 2000 years ? Ordinary people resent being EXPLOITED and OPPRESSED and SWINDLED by anybod

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