Saturday, May 18, 2024

477 | Nellie Bowles: Waking Up the Morning After the 2020 Revolution - T...

[ "Former New York Times reporter Nellie Bowles is sounding the alarm on the progressive agenda and warning that mainstream liberal media is playing a crucial role. In Bowles’ new book, "Morning After the Revolution," she addresses a number of topics – like COVID origins, youth transgender procedures, and cancel culture – that she says she previously was not able to investigate and cover. " ] LEFT OUT ? We now have a very " liberal " war mongering mainstream news media clearly dominated by belligerent WOKE WARRIOR Democrat ZIONIST Jews. Can stale Wilsonian blather , that was false more than century ago , excite the population of " OUR democracy " to join nuclear World War III against POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? To join unholy alliance with the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu in APARTHEID Israel and the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in " Greater Israel " Ukraine ? The Joe Biden administration and his WOKE " liberal " Democratic Party is packed with war fever Zionists . This is just a FACT -not " hate speech " !

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