Tuesday, May 28, 2024

WPRO Hosts Read Mean Listener Emails

Read this MEAN Email : · Group-Ego protection is needed in the Talk Radio business .Do not dare be a public detractor of the BIG FOUR talk radio EGOS at 630WPRO Rhode Island. As they will show how much "cooler" they are than you. On the whole Gene, Tara, Matt, and Dan have a supercilious ,condescending, patronizing, snooty attitude toward callers , Emailers, and texters. But they have a fawning attitude toward social superiors. They all SLOBBER over sponsors although we live in the Golden Age of False Advertising. In general , I think Talk Radio culture has become effete in "OUR democracy " .Time to cancel it ? As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see that the " problem " with Talk Radio culture in " OUR democracy " is this : As Karl Marx said a long time ago, the ruling ideas in capitalist society are the ideas of the ruling class. The Talk Radio " stars " are not selected to demonstrate critical thinking skills about THE SYSTEM. While rarely lying they invariably reflect shades of opinion of the smug, comfortable , American petty-bourgeoisie class -not ordinary WORKING CLASS Americans . Like their ruling class superiors they think : " The world in which we are both comfortable and honored must be the best of all possible worlds. Their dime store " patriotism " ( which always involves fawning over THE POLICE and American militarism and , of course , slobbering over ZIONISM ) is taken for granted by their corporate bosses. In Rhode Island they clearly lean toward corrupt , senile , creepy , Joe Biden as does the mainstream news media in the United States. WE democratic socialists do not think highly of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM -now in a profound crisis. WE need an independent third party similar to the British Labor Party but less stiff and compromised I will forward this post to the BIG FOUR at 630WPRO talk radio . One might even condescend to REPLY now and then.

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