Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Biden reportedly planning to address Trump trial verdict from the White ...

As a longtime independent democratic socialist I am , of course, no fan of former president Donald Trump. Nor of corrupt , senile, creepy President Joe Biden. Just this observation : the mainstream news media and the ZIONIST Jew political establishment in " OUR democracy " seem unanimously to hate Trump and are out to " Get Trump " . While the Biden administration is packed with eminent ZIONIST Jews. They must see " Sleepy Joe " Biden as their proverbial useful idiot. Useful for nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? It is indeed ironic that so many belligerent American ZIONISTS ( no problem with Israeli genocide in Gaza, Palestine ) presume to set themselves up as judges and censors of HATE SPEECH in " OUR democracy ". Again and again they smear the wrong people as hateful " deplorables " . Nothing hateful about the daily oppression of the dispossessed Palestinian people ? Years ago the United Nations condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. No puzzle why BLACK LIVES MATTER rallies feature Palestinian flag waving. Ordinary working class people have no difficulty distinguishing the OPPRESSOR from the OPPRESSED. Our RULING CLASS are hardly ordinary people ! There is a profound crisis of the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM in " OUR democracy " . The Trump sex crazed circus trial in New York " SIN CITY " only confirms the cynical Marxist view of THE LAW and THE STATE in capitalist America. We ordinary Americans need an independent third party , an American Labor Party like the British Labor Party but less stuffy and compromised .

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